Sep 03, 2008 16:44
Following one of the traditional HR drive-by meet/greets:
Me: that [new] guy looks like a cracked-out woody harrelson
Jo: OMG I was gonna say
Jo: Geez, that guy looked like he did a whole 8 ball
Jo: Before his fuckin interview
Me: He's like employed here dude
Me: he works for [the arrogant polish guy]
Jo: All wrinkly clothes
Me: how messed up is that
Jo: No shit
Me: No shit
Jo: But he must have something....Cause he has been hired
Me: I shook his hand and said "Nice to meet you". He just gave a big grin and said "meet you"
Jo: Maybe everyone is that stupid around here
Me: Everyone but me god dammit
Jo: Like he's in a trance
Jo: Yea me 2
Me: I guess he shouldn'ta dropped that last tab of acid before coming to work huh
Jo: YEa no
Jo: Prolly not what he needed
Jo: Looks like he took all the residue off the floor of his car and was like BAM
Jo: I got this in the bag mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Me: I bet all the colors are runnin... like in the movies where you see the actor is all high and the person he's talking to is all normal and stuff and then you see from his point of view and it's all like drooling satan
Jo: Oh yea
Jo: I've seen it with my own eyes
Jo: lol
Jo: J/P
Me: I've never done Acid or shrooms... I'm askeert of the devil
Me: and my mom always told me you could get acid flashbacks
Me: OMFG what if he's having a flashback
Jo: No shit...I'm scared he's going to be working with our equipment
Me: Everything was all normal until like half way through the sexual harrassment video and then BAM ACID FLASH