General stuff:
I usually prefer happy, humorous stories, but as long as there's a happy ending I don't mind the occasional angst. I love AUs and crossovers and tropes of all kinds, with kidfic (of the non-mpreg variety) probably being my favourite. Also outsider-POV! And weird inexplicable animal transformation/age regression! To name just a few. ^^
Unfortunately I have a pretty big embarrassment squick, but aside from that I don't have any really big triggers. I'm usually not much one for kinks, except for maybe some light d/s from time to time.
I really stick to my OTPs, so I hope there's one among them that you like. Otherwise gen is also fine, of course. If you're looking for inspiration, I have a
pinboard where I save everything I read and liked.
On to the fandoms! I've tried to provide some preferences in each case, but please don't feel like you have to stick to exactly what I mention.
My main fandom at the moment, with my favourite pairing being Patrick/Johnny. (I also sometimes read Sid/Geno and, to a lesser extent, Eric/Jeff and Danny/Claude.) Yay for dudebros in love! I like fics that involve their teammates and families or players from other teams. What I'm not so keen on are ones that are set in the far future or ones that involve coming out to the media/world at large.
Gordon Korman books:
My favourite here is Mike/Rudy from I want to go home, and I'm slightly less familiar with but still really like Bruno/Boots from the Macdonald Hall series. Crossovers between different Gordon Korman series are always awesome, and I prefer fics where the boys are grown up, at least near the end of their teenage years.
Oh, SGA. <3 So much amazing crack in this fandom. And so many amazing AUs and crossovers! :D John/Rodney is my pairing of choice here, but I like fic that involves the whole team.
What I'm particularly fond of in this fandom are Arthur/Eames stories that are either a) ridiculously domestic or b) action packed case fics. Also I've always liked the ones that add a lot of backstory to these characters or involve their families.
Teen Wolf:
Derek/Stiles is my OTP here. Lots of nice case fics in this fandom, and I also really like future fics. And stories where the Sheriff finds out about werewolves! :D Uh, I should mention that I've only seen the first two seasons, so let's stick to that timeline. That way all the betas are still in play, too, and I like fic that has them all as one pack.
Good Omens:
Aziraphale/Crowley for this one. I think I prefer the setting to be post-book (or at least not noticeably pre-book) but tbh I don't have any strong preferences for this fandom. Crossovers are alway nice, though.
Orphan Black:
I haven't read any fic for this fandom yet, but what I think I'd like is something gen and focused on the characters of Sarah, Felix (or Sarah and Felix!) or Cosima. Or something happy about Cosima/Delphine! <3 Please no Helena though, I'm incredibly freaked out by her.