Title: The Swan Prince
Pairing: Tony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Supernatural themes, sorcery, angst and general Tony!Whump. I don't go easy on him this story. Also? Very AU. Like, out-of-this-world AU. Though I do slip in enough references to amuse. Try to find them all. ^^
Spoilers: None whatsoever... unless you've watched 'The Swan
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Comments 27
So sorry to read about your friend *hugs*
Thanks for the review and for the hug. *hugs back*.
Glad you liked the chapter. <3
Loving lots of the small character details in this chapter.
Stan and Tony cuteness? I like. A little bit of OMC action never hurts... (Flirt with the boys Tony, it's cute!)
Of course Gibbs doesn't even glance at anyone else but Abby, urgh. e_e That man frustrates me. But you've got the character down pat! You're writing him as exactly who is.
I don't think Ducky would agree with that midnight medication thing...
I didn't say this before, but Kate...and the letter...no!! ;_;
As for Stan and Tony -lots of fun to write! More of them later on too. I like messing with my characters. lol.
As for Gibbs... well, you'll find out eventually what he's thinking. *cue evil laugh*
Ducky didn't overhear the medicine comment so couldn't dispute it. Though, just so you know, his concern for Tony was lagit. People who actually suffer that condition are prone to heart attacks.
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