Title: The Swan Prince
Pairing: Tony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Supernatural themes, sorcery, angst and general Tony!Whump. I don't go easy on him this story. Also? Very AU. Like, out-of-this-world AU. Though I do slip in enough references to amuse. Try to find them all. ^^
Spoilers: None whatsoever... unless you've watched 'The Swan
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Comments 22
This was a wonderful chapter, even though I just know you jinxed it with the last line. *g* Love the image of swan!Tony sleeping snuggled close to Gibbs. :)
And I loved this line: "I've never made anything in my life except a mess." LOLOL! Oh, Tony.
Congrats on the new job, btw! \o/
I was rather fond of that line too -and sometimes I feel chaotic enough that I can more than relate to it! lol!
Thanks for the well wishes. My job is awesome and HARD! I spent all today compiling a unit of work for my grade and wow, what an effort!! *is tired but happy*
Won't make you wait as long for the next chapter. Promise.
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I'm rambling. Sorry, tendency to do that. :P Glad your enjoying my story and thanks a tonne for the review. It brightened my day... er... night actually but whatever.
Glad to hear you've got a new job, hope it's better than the previous, and the people you work with are nice apart from the kiddies - can always give them extra homework if they misbehave -lol
As sinfulslasher said that last line sounds ominously like a cliffhanger for something bad to happen - wicked! :-))
Glad your enjoying the story fern! And hey, feel free to PM me whenever you like. :)
Still enjoying the story never fear.
Noted - you may get the odd PM from me then every so often.
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