_name, age, location: Miss Samantha, 17, Charlotte, North Carolina.
_favorite bands and/or artists:joy division. cursed. limp wrist. cro-mags. charles bronson. atreyu. iron maiden. crispus attucks. red roses for a blue lady. my chemical romance. scarlet. texas is the reason. every time i die. the murder city devils. spitfire. planes mistaken for stars. still breathing. cave in.[i met steven brodsky at center city fest]. lack of interest. orchid. jenny piccolo. n.e.r.d. nora. norma jean. leftover crack. isis. caliban. commander venus. burnt by the sun. los crudos. 7 angels 7 plagues. as the sun sets. the red light sting. spazz. from autumn to ashes. hot water music. bathtub shitter. terror. diecast. my bloody valentine. cateract. a static lullaby. american nightmare/give up the ghost. david bowie. slayer. some girls. bleeding through. def leppard. the festival of dead deer. holy molar. combatwoundedveteran. the faint. hot hot heat. arab on radar. bright eyes.
_favorite movies, why? swingers. the texas chainsaw massacre. goodfellas. night of the living dead. cecil b demented. taxi driver. scarface. reservoir dogs. nowhere. drop dead fred. detroit rock city. requiem for a dream. igor and the lunatics. donnie darko. pi. pulp fiction. nosferatu. memento. the doom generation. strange land. HARRY POTTER. gummo. sprited away. [i love all these movies for many different reasons, it would be very long, and tedious to go through all of them, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask.]
_favorite books+author, why? exquisite corpse by poppy z brite. the book is a homoerotic/romantic tale about two serial killing cannibals who fallin in love and kill people, very gruesomely if i might add, and what could be better than that?
_favorite clothing store Boris and Natasha's, or Urban Evolution.
_new or used,why new or used, depending on what it is. i certainly wouldn't want used underwear or femine hygiene products.
_what is your favorite season & why? Winter, I can't stand the heat. I lived in Florida all my life, and I experienced winter down in North Carolina and absolutely loved it. Now I can't get enough of the cold weather. I saw my first snowflake and was shocked. I know it sounds pathetic, but you don't see that stuff in Florida except on TV.
_what is your favorite part of the opposite (or same) sex & why? I love the hipbones on men, when they wear their pants a tad bit low, and you can see the grove of their hips, it's hawght.
_list your 3 favorite pieces of art (this can be anything you think is art) and why? [1] Shakespeare - The style of his writing may be hard to understand, but when understood it's beautiful. He makes everything from taking a shit, to childbirth sound amazingly appealing. [2] Spirited away, and yes I know it's a movie, but the plot is a somewhat twizted version of alice in wonderland, and the anime is stunning, and I'm sure took a lot of time and hardwork. [3] All the Chronicles of Narnia, ahaha. Guaranteed they are childrens books, but the lion the witch and the wardrobe is one of the very few books that made me cry.
_what would you like your future profession to be? Drama teacher.
_what are your 5 favorite objects?
1. My five year old good luck gummy bear.
2. My cell phone, ahaha.
3.A picture of my father.
4. My cd case with over 500 cds.
5. A claghdah [sp] ring my bestfriend gave me.
_what is your most intense memory or secret? think i'm going to tell you? eh, oh well. losing my virginity.
_what are 5 things you hate about yourself?
1. I'm egotistical.
2. I bite my nails.
3. My thighs.
4. I'm cocky.
5. My lack of concern about things.
_which member do you think we should ban and why? I don't really think you should, BUT
mixtapex she's always been a twat to me.