The golem is the golem, the golem is ancient as the hills - but no more ancient than the 16th century. Time has eroded the golem's sense of exact dates. The golem is still in hiding from nazi search parties, but the golem can say that the golem is definately not in the southern hemisphere.
The golem was shown to be tender in the last application, so here is the golem leading a group of working subjects in a game of Simon-Says in order to raise the subjects' morale.
Art & Literature:
The golem perhaps was forced into rediscovery of the self by the musician Seal. The golem found Seal's music laden with heart-felt emotion and deep sincerity, fleshed by vivid imagery. The golem feels that without the music, the lyrics lose a lot of impact.
Seal - Just like you said
Sometimes I fall
And I feel like
I don't know the way
Say if you can it's okay
Just like you said then
Just like you said
Now my days become long
I know I'll never feel the same again
So please
Don't let
My lows bring you down
Always know that
I need you
These words remind the golem of how far the golem has come, from the days when the golem would not want to hear words contrary to the golem's desire, to the days when the golem can accept them and move forward. They remind the golem that change is not undesirable, but necessary.
This art piece means the world to the golem. It was taken, and given to the golem by a special subject in the golem's life who has since moved on. It is titled 'remembrance'. It means a lot to the golem not only because the golem finds spiritual satisfaction in small beauty, but also because it came from the subject's heart and the golem was once very close to that, so the golem likes to remember in sepia-warm colours those moments.
All About Lily Chou-chou
Der Golem
Creation - Gore Vidal
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch - Philip K. Dick
The Bridge Across Forever - Richard Bach
XAN - Patrick Tilley
The Sykaos Papers - E. P. Thompson
Gormenghast - Mervyn Peake
The golem doesn't tend to remember authors very well, for the same reason the golem does not remember directors much - the golem prefers to concentrate on pieces of art and not artists. The golem is not interested in the creators of art, but what they create, and the golem does not believe that a piece of art should be considered in relation to who created it.
Bronze elephant figure.
Remembrance photograph.
Ink work by
Silver pen.
Memory box.
Personal & Political:
The golem could not honestly find one social ill the golem wished to change without immediately finding another to take its place, often in a circular fashion. The golem would perhaps feel most strongly about eliminating inadequate self-belief. The golem believes that this ill drives many of the subjects to inflict horrors and events that would otherwise not have taken place if only the subjects believed they were worth a little more. The golem believes this is the crux of things such as selfishness, bigotry, and religious intolerance.
The golem just cannot answer this without feeling that the golem is not addressing something more apparent.
The golem's intellectual growth has been most inspired by the authors the golem reads, and the films the golem views. Without an objective reference, the golem could not say which was most influential, because often the ones that exerted less influence were crucial in understanding another work that was more of an influence. The golem would say that the poetry, stories and writings of Mervyn Peake were something that molded the golem's growth more apparently.
The golem does not feel prejudiced, but the golem is of course prejudiced. The golem is not sure if this question relates solely to racial prejudice. In the case of the latter, the golem does not feel prejudiced, but the golem is probably considered to be prejudiced, because the golem enjoys the way asiatic eyes look on a female subject and olive skin is very desirable.
The golem does not feel it is necessary to be political correct in a learning environment or a working environment. The golem feels that there is a vast difference between being resepctful and being politically correct - in that the former is desirable, and that the latter is dressing a child in pillows. The fault is not that society does not accept subjects who are different, but that subjects who are different feel compelled to announce it to society and society enjoys mockery of prominant groups.
The 'tall poppy' syndrome. A subject grows too large, and the other subjects will cut the subject down to size. Minorities increase understanding of themselves, but all too often also increase the amount of attention subjects give them, resulting in their subsequent 'cutting down'.
The golem believes that the golem should be recognised as a genius, because studies show that treating a subject as if the subject were intelligent gives the subject the confidence to be intelligent. The golem hopes that this is the same for the golem, because the golem would really like to be a genius.
Free Expression:
The golem's greatest passion in life is video-games and beauty. The golem finds beauty everywhere in life, and often cannot vocalise what it is that makes it so beautiful. The golem also enjoys interactive stories, when done well they engage the mind in finding ways through the story and finding ways to make the story more interesting.
The golem finds beauty in things as simple as the sun shining through a window, only to be shattered into colours by a glass cup. The golem is perhaps naïve in this regard.
The golem is: strong, kind, intelligent, loving, and attractive. The golem is also: insecure, absent-minded, emotionally unavailable, heavy, and rough.
The Maranesa lives alone
Upon a kind of pointed stone,
And watches each red dawn arise
With kindly and amazing eyes.
He thinks of things we do not know
And he loves his native Borneo.
- Mervyn Peake