we wrote:
Dear glc,
There is no normal way to start this letter and so we will not attempt to do such a thing in a normal fashion. We are two unfortunate (not in appearances of course) girls. Unfortunate meaning we are not yet of age to actually see most of the bands that we would like to or in a prime location for such a thing either. Occasionally we will get lucky and rejoice yelling things like “Eureka!!” and “Gadzooks!!” but usually we are not so fortunate. This is how we came to our mission. It’s a beautiful mission, if you must know. We are trying to contact all of our favourite bands over “the internets” because it’s a fabulous thing, seeing as that is how we meet each other in the first place. We are excited to see if anyone actually e-mails us back because that would make us ridiculously and fabulously ecstatic, it is more than possible it would get us yelling “Eureka!!” and “Gadzooks!”
Yo momma be the foo' wit a penis. Keep it real, homiez.
nev and sarah
they wrote:
Greetings Nev & Sarah.
How lovely to hear from you and might I say what a delightful writing technique you have. For a 2000-year old druid, it's nice to hear people from the 'New Age' using such terms as 'Gadzooks', a bit like Catweazle in the 80's. If you're unfamiliar with the name, have a look here - you'll soon catch my drift:
http://images.google.co.uk/images?q=Catweazle&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&sa=N&tab=wi So with those images firmly established in your young, untainted minds you might picture me as a crazy old man who lives in a chicken shed, halfway up a hill in these rolling Welsh hills. Well, the man's got to live in peace and quiet. Sometimes I pretend I'm a badger.
Anyway, if you young scamps are too young to manage to get into gigs, perhaps we can bring the gigs to you.....? It's true. We're doing a gig in the Fleece in Bristol on Monday 2nd May at about 9pm. It's being streamed live so you can watch it on the interweb without the hassle of trying to get in. Oh and it's free too.
The link that you need is here:
http://www.livegigsonline.com/viewproductphpproduct61/ but you can always find it on the front of our website too.
Well, it seems my digital time spent with you is almost up. I've enjoyed our time together but all good things must sadly come to an end.....
Until next time, lest our paths cross again,
Mysty for and on behalf of the glc
http://www.youknowsit.co.uk then they wrote:
Hi i like your random e mail......keep up the good work.
safe, from me and the boys
so we wrote:
Catweazle looks vaguely familiar, however we are not quite sure from where. It’s possible he inhabits the cardboard box on the corner of a street near us where we like to go to watch the skateboarding kids fall. It’s also possible he doesn’t.
We will certainly be watching your show on the internets on May the second as it is slightly unlikely that our parentals will permit us to fly from Canada to England for a concert. However, we shall ask regardless.
They said no. I’m sure it will be fabulous anyway. Thank you for your reply.
-nev and sarah
p.s. “Gadzooks” and “Eureka”!
p.p.s. thank you for teaching us how to roll a spliff on your website.