russell of bloc party-unreplied

Apr 27, 2005 16:29

we wrote:

dear Russell of bloc party,

There is no normal way to start this letter and so we will not attempt to do such a thing in a normal fashion. We are two unfortunate (not in appearances of course) girls. Unfortunate meaning we are not yet of age to actually see most of the bands that we would like to or in a prime location for such a thing either. Occasionally we will get lucky and rejoice yelling things like “Eureka!!” and “Gadzooks!!” but usually we are not so fortunate. This is how we came to our mission. It’s a beautiful mission, if you must know. We are trying to contact all of our favourite bands over “the internets” because it’s a fabulous thing, seeing as that is how we meet each other in the first place. We are excited to see if anyone actually e-mails us back because that would make us ridiculously and fabulously ecstatic, it is more than possible it would get us yelling “Eureka!!” and “Gadzooks!”

How does it feel to be the originator of the latest haircut to be sweeping the nation? We wouldn't know, but we can imagine it would be rather cool. Actually, most things related to you are pretty cool. Except that the last two Bloc Party gigs here were 19+. Which sucks. But keep up the awesome work, and if you don't manage to play any all ages shows, we'll see you in about four years.


nev and sarah

p.s. we’re not that creepy.

bloc party:
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