i do not look like i am in college!!
...right?!?! come on now...!
credit for the SUPER CHICKEN super duper background pic goes to
-who's really cool and such a cutie patootie huh?- hey peewee. lol.
i have a project in planning for this LJ..oh just you wait! i need supplies though. i'll be getting in touch with you kids who can help. so mysterious. you love it.
&can you tell i have nothing to write about...wow i guess taylor's party is this weekend. you want to go go go- get in touch with her, or me if you can't. it shall be crazy indeed.
i'm getting my iPod tomorrow. (!!!) or other MP3 player of sorts, we'll see how things land. night swimming with mallory and my sister tonight. and maybe hanging with ashley hoitt tomorrow..? well i hope so.