Title: The SECRET Secret
Summary: England had a terrible secret that he'd wished no one, ESPECIALLY that one country to ever figure out. But America, being America, won't have it.
Rating: E for Everyone!
Because: I said so
Character(s): America and England
A/N: Oneshot drabble. Can also be read on my fanfiction.net and DeviantArt account.
Every man, every country has it's secrets. Deadly secrets. Some secrets so horrible that they will make up insane secrets just to bury these deadly secrets. These fake secrets rank beyond the millions. In fact, countries have to keep lists on these secrets and make sure they don't confuse them with the real secrets.
Sometimes however, someone slips. Either the country itself, or a close partner. When that happens, something has to be done to cover it up, or someone will have to talk.
"England..." Alfred gasped, clenching his fist tighter to his chest. "Why?" His legs had lost all strength and he slipped to the floor, still gasping for air. His lungs, not his legs.
"You misunderstood America!" Arthur clenched his teeth, hiding his face in his hands. "It's not what you think!"
"What..." He lied down, his back against the floor. "What was I suppose to think?"
"It was France! It was Greece or Italy! Oh hell it was Spain!" Arthur wept.
"See? Now... you are trying... too hard..." Alfred was losing consciousness, but he couldn't help it. He just couldn't breathe.
"Dammit America, why you?"
"Just... answer me... one thing..."
"What?" Arthur groaned, a sound Alfred could identify as giving up.
That was good, that meant it didn't matter anymore.
He won.
"Just when..." He wheezed before coughing. "Just when ...did you start.... collecting My Little Pony?"
Arthur had no chance to respond to that question because America passed out from laughing too hard.