1. I'm on Google+ under theantichris at gmail, but I'm
not sure what I'm doing there yet. Both in the technical sense (it's suggesting I add some people who I am certain do not have one yet - is that so when/if they get one, they'll automatically get added to my circles? I am confused) and in the more general sense, because I want to see how the pseudonymity thing shakes out. I'm antsy enough about associating my real initials with my fannish pseud, let alone my surname. It must be even worse for people with less generic names. Still! Add me! Or tell me you are there and I will figure out how to add you.
custardpringle linked me to
this photo set and it is the
most amazing thing ever. I believe I capslocked OMG IT IS JUST LIKE THE CHALET SCHOOL IRL except that the Chalet School would never stand for
rolling around in the snow and
piggyback rides and
other such shenanigans.
Skating with an improperly folded scarf OH NOES! There's even one with a
boyish nickname. Adorbs. (ETA: I forgot to mention the
theatrical cross-dressing. Which the Chalet School would have been totally fine with, of course.)
3. Go look at your blog/journal. Find the last Fandom-related thing you posted. The characters in that post are now your team-mates in the Zombie Apocalypse. How fucked are you?
My last fannish post was about Game of Thrones, so... I'll let you know when the seventh book comes out? :D?
4. Rizzoli and Isles is starting again! Actually, you know what, I would be quite happy to face the zombie apocalypse with Jane and Maura.
5. It's not just
Ian McKellen who ships (various incarnations of) Xavier and Magneto.
James McAvoy does too. <333333
Also posted at