Guys, I need new icons like mad. Anybody have a direction they can point me for new ones?
Secondly, IT'S ESSAY TIME.
Well, not an essay precisely, because I'm not really sure what I'm irate about. Working through feelings. Group therapy. Group writing therapy.
I'd like to turn it into a group discussion. What do you think? )
Comments 8
The thing to remember is that trends evolve. You may not have to fear for the future of fanfic; the diversity of styles is probably still out there, but you're just living through a rather more unfortunate period of writerly affection for a style that can easily be boring.
And vampire AUs and genderswap AUs and His Dark Materials crossovers. /personal dislikes
Since I write (nonfiction) for a living, I tend to look at all writing, fanfic included, with a rather critical eye. And I second every suggestion/demand, that fic writers look for and use a good editor.
I don't know. My degree is in English and I only wish I wrote for a living, but I know my standards aren't the standards of everyone else. I suppose what bothers me the most is knowing that I dislike something but not knowing precisely why. I'm having trouble articulating what it is about the fiction I've read that bothers me so much, which bothers me more than the fiction did originally.
Using proper names too often, guilty as charged and I'm working on it after a discussion with my editor.
I think we get a bit jaded if we read a lot as we know it should be done or at least we think we do.
But it does grate on my nerves to see mediocre or poor stories hailed as the best thing since sliced bread.
Having an editor certainly helps, though; I think a lot of stories would benefit from a stern discussion with one.
I owe a lot to my editors.
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