Home, home, I am home in Bellevue, for a couple days. It's nice to be sleeping in my old bed again. I like hearing the coffee grinder go off in the kitchen at 5 am. Nostalgic sounds and smells
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*sob* I didn't get to see you. I wanted to call last night but we had some family stuff to take care of. Biran and Ariella broke up. I hope to see you soon.
Oh dear, lovey! I'm sorry to hear it. How crazy... think it'll last?
I may be coming back next week for a brief visit to see the people I didn't get to see while I was home. It might not work out, but I'll try my best, 'cause I miss you and we have LOTS to share.
Comments 11
And Madison says Hi.
Or, "Let me the hell outside!"
And hello, Madison!
Don't go outside, kitty. It's raining all gross.
(The comment has been removed)
I didn't get to see you.
I wanted to call last night but we had some family stuff to take care of.
Biran and Ariella broke up.
I hope to see you soon.
I may be coming back next week for a brief visit to see the people I didn't get to see while I was home. It might not work out, but I'll try my best, 'cause I miss you and we have LOTS to share.
I'd love to see you. Keep me posted?
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