Good Fish

Mar 22, 2008 22:26

Home, home, I am home in Bellevue, for a couple days. It's nice to be sleeping in my old bed again. I like hearing the coffee grinder go off in the kitchen at 5 am. Nostalgic sounds and smells ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

marmaladious March 23 2008, 06:18:30 UTC
Hey, you! I've been meaning to write you an email.

And Madison says Hi.

Or, "Let me the hell outside!"


the_armadillo March 23 2008, 14:54:01 UTC
Hello, Kevin! I thought of you as the train went through the Olympia/Lacey area.

And hello, Madison!

Don't go outside, kitty. It's raining all gross.


marmaladious March 23 2008, 19:48:43 UTC


the_armadillo March 23 2008, 21:57:25 UTC
It's still raining all gross. Madison, baby, stay indoors and snuggle with Kevin. He's a good lad.


(The comment has been removed)

the_armadillo March 25 2008, 03:48:59 UTC
Thanks, my dear!


ygirl March 25 2008, 17:36:47 UTC
I didn't get to see you.
I wanted to call last night but we had some family stuff to take care of.
Biran and Ariella broke up.
I hope to see you soon.


the_armadillo March 25 2008, 19:32:48 UTC
Oh dear, lovey! I'm sorry to hear it. How crazy... think it'll last?

I may be coming back next week for a brief visit to see the people I didn't get to see while I was home. It might not work out, but I'll try my best, 'cause I miss you and we have LOTS to share.


ygirl March 25 2008, 23:25:07 UTC
Yeah, I'm not sure if they'll get back together. It looks serious.
I'd love to see you. Keep me posted?


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