Spot-on, as usual:

May 15, 2008 09:28

No one really cares about your "stuff," Sarah, if you don't care about your "stuff."

They're far more interested in their own "stuff."

The Universe

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Comments 7

hiddendemons May 15 2008, 20:44:17 UTC


ygirl May 15 2008, 22:47:02 UTC
I care!
I loved seeing you, darling! I'd love to visit you soon. When works for you?


the_armadillo May 16 2008, 14:23:47 UTC
I'm actually coming BACK the weekend after this one (memorial day weekend) to help Mom out with packing the house! Will we see each other then?


papercut_jack May 21 2008, 00:14:32 UTC
packing the house??? are they moving out of that house?


the_armadillo May 21 2008, 13:52:50 UTC
They are! They found a house in Portland they're moving into, about 15 blocks away from my condo! Mom's retiring the kitchen design business, and Dad's going on full-time at KBPS.


existence_ltd May 16 2008, 02:11:09 UTC
Hrm, but it assumes that one's "stuff" is independent of other people. More "stuff" in life is shared than The Universe does credit this time around. But then, you can read relation in any catchy saying.


the_armadillo May 16 2008, 14:24:52 UTC
If I could read relation in every catchy saying, I'd be posting every single one of these, wouldn't I? It's only a select few that actually make sense to me.


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