bryoneybrynnRecipient: Everyone
Title: Potter Shaped Malfoy
Pairing(s): Albus/Scorpius
Summary: The war’s long over but everybody still hates the Malfoys. Everyone except Al Potter, that is. Can friendship between the son of a Death Eater and the son of the Chosen One work? Can it last?
Rating: R
Warning(s): Boy on boy action, completely gratuitous use of the f-word, lots of teenage angsting about, general snarkiness
Word Count: 33,000 so get comfortable
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: Request: Hogwarts fic set in the later years with Ravenclaw!Scorp and Slytherin!Al, a hint of h/d in the background (preferably with Harry and Draco each divorced from their respective wives) and a peek at parental reactions to as/s. Prompts were library, studying, friendship, and a hot drawing of the boys kissing. Hopefully I’ve done it all justice.
Many thanks to my betas, B, C, G, and R, who put in much hard work in a very short amount of time. I owe you a kidney or something. First come, first serve.
Potter Shaped Malfoy