TITLE: Dangers Rebirth
lolita_jayneRATING: At the moment, it is a G guys, however, as the story progresses, it will reach a R possibly a NC17
PAIRINGS: Future - Albus/Scorpius, Albus/Scorpius/Rose, Harry/Draco, Harry/Hermione, Harry/Hermione/Draco
WORDS: 1,154
SUMMARY: The 3rd Generation have an interesting time of things as they commence at Hogwarts, it won't be long after forging friendships that a new dark power will rise.
DISCLAIMER: I own not. Thank goodness, can you imagine the shame I would be forced to carry had I written that epilogue (that at least brought us ASS), I'll stick to writing unpublished fanfiction thanks JKR.
Chapter One: Scorpius Malfoy
Albus Potter sighed, his nerves still clenched tightly in the pit of his stomach as he pulled himself away from the window which he had waved farewell to his parents from. Turning, he leant his back against the window, his gaze falling on his cousin, Rose Weasley, who had a large volume spread across her knees, then shifted to his other side where his older brother, James Potter, stood beside him looking down at him. James was only a few inches taller than he was and was this year starting his second year at Hogwarts.
‘You’re not nervous are you?’ James asked teasingly with a twinkle in his eyes.
‘A little maybe.’ Albus nodded truthfully. He had never been away from home before.
‘Don’t be, at least you and Rosie got to start together this year.’ Albus heard the tinge of bitterness behind his tone, James had had no-one when he first started last year at Hogwarts. ‘Anyway, I’m off to find Dane and Luke. Seeya later, even though you’ll be in Slytherin!’ A big teasing grin spread across his face as he made a run for the door.
‘Honestly James!’ Rose shook her head impatiently.
‘Alright, fine. You’ll be in Hufflepuff.’ James ducked out of the door and sped off down the corridor.
‘Don’t listen to him.’ Rose spoke distantly, obviously trying to focus on the book spread open before her. ‘You heard what your father said. Your parents will still love you wherever you end up.’
‘But Slytherin’s are-’
‘Your middle name, Albus Severus Potter, is as such because of a Professor from Slytherin that your father happened to hold a lot of admiration for. I think Uncle Harry knows a little bit about what he’s saying. Slytherin’s aren’t all evil. Nobody ever starts out evil, it’s only if they allow themselves to become all consumed in their goals and aspirations that their self-absorption twists them and they’ll do anything including risk or destroy the lives of others to achieve their-’
‘Rosie,’ Albus cut over her quietly, ‘I can’t understand a word you’re saying. You’re too intelligent for your own good sometimes, you know that right?’
Rosie flushed, both with pride and some degree of annoyance.
‘I’m going to go and see if I can’t make some other friends- not because you’re a terrible friend or anything,’ he added hastily as a look of hurt appeared on her face, ‘merely because we probably both need to branch out. Besides, if James can do it, I’ll be damned if I can’t.’
‘ You’re funny when you get all determined.’ Rosie smiled at him as she chuckled. ‘James is somewhat more outspoken than you though, don’t forget that. He doesn’t get all embarrassed when people laugh at him, he thrives on it. You become self-conscious.’
‘I’ll talk to you later Rosie.’ Albus sighed as he walked out the compartment door and closed it gently behind him, waving his farewell to his cousin. ‘I might be back later.’ He said loudly enough so that she would still hear him, she nodded confirming as such.
Now that he was exposed to the corridor he felt his nerves lurch unpleasantly in his stomach once again. He had never felt so alone, he could have easily stepped back inside the compartment with Rose, he felt safe there, but he knew that he had to go and try to make some new friends. Pulling himself away, he turned and headed down the corridors of the carriages, not sure exactly of what he was looking for. He saw carriages upon carriages full of older students who were mucking around, glad to be in each others company again after the holidays. He saw some more of his cousins as he ventured through the Hogwarts express. His cousin Frederick even offered him a wave and large grin as he walked past. Frederick preferred to be called Fred, he had been named after one of their Uncles, his father, Uncle George’s identical twin brother who passed on during the historical battle of Hogwarts.
Albus had heard many a great story about that, his Aunt Hermione always smiling sadly as she remembered the fallen while retelling his fathers bravery to him. He liked his Aunt Hermione, Rose was very much like her which might have been why they got along so famously. Uncle Ron always made him laugh, but there was a coldness and a bitterness between he and Hermione that occasionally reared it’s ugly head. The same thing that happened between his own mother and father ever increasingly as the fights and arguments had begun escalating.
Rose’s response to this had always shown a wisdom and knowledge beyond her years, even though when you looked into her eyes they showed a grave concern. She always said that it was to be expected, war did funny things to people and our parents had certainly witnessed some horrific events.
It didn’t make it any easier though.
Albus blinked as he bumped into someone gently. He had been so lost in his own thoughts that he had not been paying enough attention to where he was going.
‘I’m sorry.’ He stuttered.
‘That’s ok, I’m sorry too. I wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing.’ Replied a drawling voice.
‘Me either.’ Albus admitted before raising his head. He bit back his gasp as he recognized the boy before him. Uncle Ron had warned Rose not to get too involved with him, Albus couldn’t remember his name though.
The boy supplied him with the answer though as he thrust a hand forward to shake, Albus took it carefully. The boy’s flesh looked cold due to it’s lack of colour, it was equally as warm as his though.
‘Scorpius Malfoy.’ The boy smiled at him.
‘Albus Potter.’ Albus replied uncertainly.
‘Potter ey?’ Scorpius looked deep in thought for a moment. ‘My father warned me that the Potter’s were a bit loopy, but,’ he paused, ‘is your father Harry Potter?’
Albus looked downwards. He felt as though “Harry Potter’s kid” was all he was going to be known as. When he didn’t respond, Scorpius cocked his head to the side, mild amusement written on his face.
‘What’s the matter?’ He asked curiously.
‘Oh, nothing.’ Albus lied. ‘Yeah, my dad is Harry Potter.’
‘Wanna be friends?’ Scorpius asked after a moments silence. ‘Everyone else so far has completely ignored me and snobbed me off.’
Feeling uncertain, Albus looked up into Scorpius’ eyes. Why not? He thought, wasn’t he after all looking for friends too? ‘Wanna come and sit with Rosie and I?’ He asked cautiously.
‘Rosie?’ Scorpius looked at him in slight confusion.
‘Our compartment is a fairway back, but I’m sure Rosie would be glad to meet you. Rosie, Rose Weasley, she’s my cousin.’
‘Father told me about the Weasley’s too.’ Scorpius laughed, there was something oddly serene in that laugh though. ‘I’d love to come and meet Rosie.’
Just a short little intro Chapter. Hope you like... :D
I’m trying to make them as un-Harry-like and un-Draco-like as possible and stick with what we know about their personalities as described very little of in the book.