Could I continue your last fiction? Pleasehamano_shionNovember 10 2013, 09:46:23 UTC
I have just played in Live Journal and found your second mclennon fiction. Honestly I love it because it's about to drama and this is my type. But I was so sad that you would never write it again ;-(. So would you please let me continue on yours? In the name of us. Please reply me :-)
Re: Could I continue your last fiction? Pleasethe_babetlesFebruary 18 2015, 21:00:11 UTC
I'm so sorry, this was ages ago, livejournal made me leave, I couldn't take haters on here, and I left, now that I see this I feel bad that I did thanks a lot, seriously, you probably won't watch this, or who knows, but I would write you whatever you want. Lots of love!
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Thank you
Lots of love!
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