Please know this- flea collars DO NOT WORK!! I just bathed a dog the other day who had one on- a waste of money. The water ran red with fleadirt, and fleas running around on the poor dog. Even if you manadged to get the collar tight enough around the animal's neck- the fleas would survive on the butt of the animal. And- flea collars can cause death
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Comments 2
I'm glad it is working for you- we haven't had any complaints about that particular flea product, but some clients have complained about Frontline. Personally- we've never really had a flea problem ourselves (Imagine that, since at least once a week I end up bathing a flea infested cat or dog), so I can't say which product works the best (I know flea collars don't, because I learned that back in school). I know what you mean though- retarded to have then on the shelves, such a ripoff.
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