Party Post: A Mauve New Year

Dec 31, 2006 16:00

There were a few things recognised as universally dangerous, therefore classified under the colour mauve, at human New Year's parties: the mob mentality, tone deaf people singing karaoke, a midnight snog from someone one didn't like, the butchering of Robbie Burns' best known work, the possibility of projectile vomiting later...

And a slightly bored ex-Time Lord, sitting alone with an empty glass of water, an empty glass of booze, and a half-drank bottle of ridiculously expensive Islay whisky (NOT 'Scotch', unless you were a boorish American who didn't know better), who was contemplating the merits of participating in karaoke and wondering just how fast his liver was going to deteriorate. Rob could probably tell him, but Rob was also probably not particularly in the frame of mind to calculate it at the the Doctor found himself doing the math instead. And wondering if mango made good daiquiris, and if Alcuin was around because he was the only French sort of guy he knew and the French threw damn good parties.

He also wondered if the island would provide gallons of water, extra toilets, and paracetamol upon the morning. He knew he'd need it.

((Tag the Doctor, tag each other, here's an extra party EP. 'Cause he hasn't had one since Christmas.))

alcuin no delaunay, gwen petrelli, jack harkness, gathering, the doctor, veronica mars, dr. rob chase

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