Ocean city girl is smiling.

Feb 17, 2007 10:22

Veronica Mars had set up at a table in the rec room, bent foreward over a page of her notebook that was, by and large, empty: all white page and blue lines and some black squiggles (and maybe flowers and a heart or two, but whatever) in the margins. The fact remained, she knew nothing about this case beyond what her instincts told her, and they weren't telling her much.

She needed to get to people who could tell her what she needed to know, but it was harder here - much harder than it had been in Neptune. Back home, she'd had the advantage of anonymity most of the time. It was easier to pretend to be someone else, to pretend to want something other than the information she was really hunting. On an island of three hundred people, at least some of whom had voted for her to fill a public office, that was difficult.

Two days had passed before she'd even thought of the case again, and that not until she'd seen Logan at the party. Two days, she'd let the whole thing slip her mind, distracted - and, she figured, understandably. She had a feeling Logan wouldn't agree. His reaction the night before was still on her mind, and she hated that - hated him for it and, a little, herself. She'd managed to forget for a while, slipping back into the party and forcing herself to keep talking and circulating, finding Sam again to warn him her ex knew who he was and might be a little less than thrilled about the whole thing - which she'd felt suitably embarassed about later, the melodrama she created, like it was really a big deal, but who knew with Logan? At least, after a while, Lilly had seemed alright with it, falling back into teasing the way she was supposed to. A little humiliating, but it was the way Veronica expected things to work.

Worrying her lower lip, Veronica rested her head on one hand and watched the jukebox warily. And then she let her arms fold beneath her, laying her head on her arms. Somehow she figured all the love songs the damn machine kept playing weren't going to be all that conducive to investigation. It would have been frustrating if it weren't... well, kind of nice.

Besides, after the way Logan had acted, she wasn't sure he deserved investigatory favors anyway.

[Conducive to investigation? Haven't heard about her new boyfriend? Just wanna hang out? Haven't met the blonde? Your name is George Lass? Tag in! (Meant for Saturday.)]

george lass, gwen petrelli, veronica mars, pam halpert (i)

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