Being stuck on a crazy island for a year wasn't really something Abby had expected, but here she was, over a year on the island and about to turn 31. The combination of those two events required a celebration, at least in her mind.
To that end, there was a fire going on the beach about a hundred yards from her hut. Fire wasn't the right word. Conflagration was better. Conflagration was a fun word. Kinda like Gallipoli, which was also fun to say.
A little away from the fire was a table that was practically groaning from all the food on it. She'd asked Stu to barbeque a pig and he'd definitely come through for her to the point that she was fairly certain the entire animal was on that table (in sections, of course). Eostre had provided a cake with a little skull and crossbones on it after very little cajoling and Abby had made blueberry and strawberry cobbler, biscuits, and cookies to go with the cake. There was juice and water too, but no alcohol, because she didn't really want it and it was her party, so she didn't provide it, although people might bring their own, which was fine.
She'd been working on the preparations all week and it had come together perfectly. She sat on a boulder near the fire wearing a ruffly black blouse featuring a little bow-wearing skull and black satin trousers, watching the sun start to set over the ocean as her laptop played trance techno at a low volume. Now all she had to do was wait for people to show up and have fun. She'd invited everyone she knew, so hopefully at least a percentage of people would choose to attend.
post in slated.]