Alex was bored. That wasn't usually such an abnormal occurrence, but today it hit hard and it hit bad. He had already been bored enough to play with that dog that kept following him. (It was currently asleep curled up at the foot of his couch, and no, he was not going to admit it was cute and that he liked it. Much.) If it kept up like this he was going to end up not only thinking about things he didn't want to think about, but actually talking to people about them too.
There was no way in hell he was going to allow that to happen, so instead he had grabbed a film at random and put it on to put his mind off of things. Ok. So there was a war, blah blah blah. Maybe it was the first World War, blah blah blah. There was some explosions that were pretty cool. Dead people. More explosions. Mud. Some pretty cool special effects. More mud. More dead people. A hot chick. A really hot chick. Ooo. The hot chick spoke German. Maybe this movie wasn't so bad after all. They kept focusing on the French and the English though, that wasn't quite fair. Hey, now there were Germans and...
"What the fuck? That's... He's... What the hell?" Why was he in a trench?
[OOC: He's watching
Joyeux Noël, a movie about WWI that just happens to have Daniel Brühl (the actor who plays him in Good Bye, Lenin!) in it. He's rightly confused.]