In the Wizarding world, seventeen was usually the more important birthday. It had meant that Ron could finally do magic outside of school, didn't have the trace on him anymore and could finally take an apparition test. Ron's brothers, Fred and George, had made a point of gloating when the two of them had turned seventeen, using magic for the littlest things at home, like just moving from room to room.
Ron's own seventeenth birthday, however, had been a disaster. His presents had been alright, but he'd spent most of it in the hospital wing at Hogwarts after accidentally ingesting a love potion and then being poisoned by a glass of mead he'd gotten from Professor Slughorn. So as far as birthdays went, Ron's eighteenth didn't have to be anything special to top his last one. He just had to not end up poisoned.
As it was, the day had been alright. He'd already gotten
a collection of Chudley Cannon's shirts from Harry (one of which he was currently wearing), had eaten a great lunch in the compound kitchen, and had even found a copy of Quidditch Through the Ages on the bookshelf. The pictures didn't move like they were supposed to or anything, but it was still loads better than what the bookshelf had been giving him up until then. There were only so many times that he could take finding Hogwarts, A History instead of something he actually wanted to read.
He'd just gotten settled in the rec room, his feet propped up on one of the tables as he read, when suddenly, the Muggle music machine in the corner started playing, and the warbling voice of Celestina Warbeck, his mother's favorite singer, filled the room.
Ron grimaced. It definitely wouldn't have been his first choice when it came to something to listen to, but having to listen to that was a lot better than having to have a bezoar stuffed down his throat.
[Dated to earlier this afternoon. CLOSED TO NEW TAGS UNLESS WE'VE ALREADY SPOKEN.]