HI! It's 20 til 4, do you know where your sleep cycle is?
So lately, we've had alot of stuff going on, most of which
was not fun or planned. I'm fully aware of the stresses
placed on me, and I've been expecting some form of bodily
response to the soul crushing madness (appliance repair,
job issues, then 3 "floods" in our bedroom, all in the last
month - and that's just the big things on top of the norm).
But for the last two nights (and now that I'm thinking about
it, a few other random nights before this), I've been waking
up at almost exactly the same time (~2:30ish by the bedroom
clocks, which is more like 2:00 real time) from a dead sleep.
Sometimes there's something I feel like I should do right
then, others it's like the last waking thought I had was
cryogenically frozen until I explode back to consciousness
and I pick RIGHT back up from that exact moment...I've
confused myself with that one because it was so exact I didn't
realize I'd been asleep until I looked at the clock again.
Okay, so that's weird and not conducive to getting much
rest, but I've done the little sleep thing before. So I
just go back to sleep after a little bit (something to drink,
go to the bathroom, stare blankly around the room, etc).
That in itself is odd, but okay I'll chalk it up to stress
and something hijacking my body clock. Except that then
I wake up again at ~4:00 by the bedroom clocks...(hi *wave*)
Yeah that's like ~3:30ish real time for those that might be
checking these things. That's usually when the real emotion
sets in. Anger for being awake, confusion in general, worry
for being able to get up on time for work, etc. etc. etc. I
usually get back to sleep by around ~4:30 real time. Then
the alarms start going off to get up ~5:40.
Add in tonight that before (while I'm asleep) and during (confused
in bed) both episodes I've heard "All Manner of Things (TM)," and
you will eventually map your way through various psychological
traumas to my present mental location.
Now we may have mentioned before that our house is haunted.
Not like "LEAVE THIS PLACE!" haunted, just willowy lady in
white moving through the halls from bedroom to living room
and/or back from the corner of your eye haunted...like alot.
We thought it was the old lady that use to live here, but
I've recently learned that she's not dead. I've also noticed
lately (about the same time that we've had all these problems
starting), that I haven't seen our Lady in White for a while.
So because I'm more than a little stressed and confused as to
what's going on, I started thinking about "non-conventional"
reasons for stuff happening. The noises I've been hearing
tonight for example. These are external sounds. They have
direction, distance, etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in
a panicked state of "OMG ZOMBIES!" or anything. The disturbing
thing to me is that I was laying alone in the dark (as
jedishadowolfis gone to a Library conference) going through all the various
supernatural things that might be happening at that exact moment
with the most peaceful mental state I can remember and
realized it with some concern and confusion.
I'm not sure what exactly I wanted to accomplish by
putting all this down, but I guess now that I have it,
it will be here if anything happens and we need some
records. And I put this behind a cut because...
wull damn man look at this rambling bunch of shit? :)