3x13 - the Bozeman Reaction
The Bozeman Reaction is a mixed episode. It has parts I really love and some parts that aren't that good. It shows both what I consider the best parts of season 3 (the acting and timing) and the worst parts (the writing that disregards character development and the laugh track). It also has, like many other season 3 episodes, a clear focus on Sheldon, which I find both positive and negative. Therefor I feel it's an interesting episode to take a closer look at. I will be back in a later entry with a more throughout look on season 3 and it's actors.
More on this after the jump ^^
I love the ensemble part in the beginning of this episode with guys discussing the new menu. Sheldon is so true to character when the menu is changed and I love Raj leading him on with his mobster comment.
I like the three of my closest friends, and one treasured acquaintance part. It really keeps you hanging through the rest of the episode, because you don't know who the acquaintance is. I considered all of them for a little while, but I really thought it would be Raj since Sheldon un-friended him in the Friendship Algorithm. It would make sense that it's Howard though, I would guess that he is the one who gets the most strikes in Sheldon's log. I also like Raj's reaction to Howard being the acquaintance. I can imagine the discussions they've had in Sheldon's absence were they both thought it was the other. The secret Paradoxer in me also likes that it's not Penny ^^
Now, I love Sheldon with all my heart and Jim Parsons can act the hell out of any episode no matter what the writers do. But I think that the writers have depended to much on his comical talent in season 3. This episode is a good example of this as the main storyline is about Sheldon. The episode have almost nothing featuring Raj and Howard and it seems like Penny and Leonard is only there when they are needed for Sheldon's storyline. And I love the Sheldon centric episodes and I laugh a lot during them, but the downside is that we have missed out on some character development from the other characters. (The worst example of this is The Bernadette Injustice. I loved Bernadette and I loved the character development Howard went through when he was with her. And I don't like for the writers to write her (and Howard) off in a side comment, just so they can get a punchline about a foursome.) So I'm kinda mad at the writers this season for not spending enough time on ongoing storylines and relying to much on Jim Parsons comical talent, at the expense of continuity within the characters. But Jim Parson makes it up to me by being hilarious :)
I love most of the jokes in this one, but everyone laughing at Sheldon on the floor while he is in pain is just not fun for me. I think this also shows how poorly the show uses the laugh track. That have always been a weak point of this show and I wish that they could tone down the laughing occasionally.
Personal highlights
* "My new computer came with Windows 7. Windows 7 is much more user-friendly than Windows Vista. I don't like that."
* Sheldon needing a model train shop when he moves.
* Sheldon's "Are we having a serious discussion or not?" while discussing the Mobster typo.
* "As you know I'm not fond of goodbyes..." and the rest of Sheldon's video
* Sheldon's unwillingness to rule out Leonard as a suspect is really well played. Especially the "Oh, I wish I could"
* Sheldon's log.
* Howard's story about his great-grandfather.
Please post any thoughts you have! Agree? Disagree? let me know!