cheer up! you should get into the greeting cards business and make cards just for people in your type of situation. you're funny and extremly witty so i'm sure you could think of some reeeaallly great cards. :-)
(Front Cover) I really wanted to wish you a happy valentines day, and tell what a wonderful person you are... (and I guess there would be like a picture of a little girl with a rose or something)
But then my boyfriend came over, so I just got you this crappy card. (the picture here would probably have to be like some big musclebound tattooed guy who could use a shave and a haircut, and probably smells like beer and cigarettes)
Comments 3
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(Front Cover)
I really wanted to wish you a happy valentines day, and tell what a wonderful person you are... (and I guess there would be like a picture of a little girl with a rose or something)
But then my boyfriend came over, so I just got you this crappy card.
(the picture here would probably have to be like some big musclebound tattooed guy who could use a shave and a haircut, and probably smells like beer and cigarettes)
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