hi ed it's sophie. right my mum wants to talk to you: "Hi Ed it's me, I am writing slowly as I know you don't read fast!!! Well what Soph is miffed about is that she might look stupid if I ask what I want to ask but she won't let me - if you get my drift!!! I really want you to make her a spag bol as she can't make it herself but I know she is apable but she needs someone to show her and after all who am I man - I am the only mother in the village and what is that - I now have to press post comment because Soph says she doesn't want me to write any more (I finks she may be ashamed of me or somefin!!!) so I am now goin' to press post comment - tell your mum to contact me on this thing (sight is it called - whatever - it's cool) LOL Sue xxx
Comments 63
"Hi Ed it's me, I am writing slowly as I know you don't read fast!!! Well what Soph is miffed about is that she might look stupid if I ask what I want to ask but she won't let me - if you get my drift!!! I really want you to make her a spag bol as she can't make it herself but I know she is apable but she needs someone to show her and after all who am I man - I am the only mother in the village and what is that - I now have to press post comment because Soph says she doesn't want me to write any more (I finks she may be ashamed of me or somefin!!!) so I am now goin' to press post comment - tell your mum to contact me on this thing (sight is it called - whatever - it's cool) LOL Sue xxx
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