Party time! from Snake

Oct 31, 2006 12:33

Priceless! First, I wanna see Aidan without clothes again *g* -Amy as Tony Braxton - hmm... and Krycek as Pam Anderson ... even the thought made me speechless... not to mention the rest.
the_bride_tm's Halloween party:

2nd_generation dressed as a skeleton.

_call_me_snake_ dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Cauldron of Triumph.

amy_uncensored dressed as Toni Braxton.

aoutlaw321 forgot to put on clothes!

atia dressed as Winona Ryder.

bamfs forgot to put on clothes!

beefcake_cop dressed as a bottle of Cerelevecit.

bestbeloved dressed as a second baseman for the Mariners, though it looked more like a scaly witch.

bloody_cilice dressed as Marilyn Manson.

caleb_walks dressed as a catcher for the Blue Jays.

callan_dean dressed as Yoda.

carolina_grace dressed as a cup of coffee.

catwoman28 dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Cheeseball Lizardbrain".

civ_barbarian dressed as Alicia Keys's father.

cobretti_tm dressed as a diplomat from Nigeria, though it looked more like the Duke of Valukquadroamide.

d_k_scully dressed as a lame eyebrow.

dag_dexter dressed as a 1970's disco child.

doctorhouse_tm dressed as a can of Coke.

dorian_grey dressed as Jessica Simpson.

dr_melfi dressed as Thandie Newton.

eldarion_tm dressed as a new superhero: Dawn Lion.

follow_me_in didn't dress up, spoilsport.

formema dressed as the Cardinal of Mylogar.

four_fingers dressed as James King.

gabriel_tm dressed as the Governor of New Jersey.

guinnessfortwo dressed as Abraham Lincoln.

handsome_rogue dressed as Barbra Streisand.

hayllian_whore dressed as a bottle of Vantfetim, though it looked more like Wesley Crusher from "Star Trek".

hsus_snowman dressed as Worf from "Star Trek", and it suited them disturbingly well.

in_the_heads dressed as the main character of "The Exorcist".

inmortal_sabine dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.

its_all_junk dressed as a bouncy pixie.

j_doggett_tm didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.

janus_tm dressed as a elk.

joe__dick dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Coalition of the Armor.

johnmerrickphd dressed as Hillary Clinton.

johnrambo_tm dressed as John Quincy Adams.

kaeleers_heart dressed as your mother.

kaycee_jazz dressed as James Garfield.

kiefer_rps dressed as the Governor of Hawaii, though it looked more like a invitation.

king_of_goblins dressed as Tori Amos.

king_of_huns dressed as Ricky Martin riding a eagle, though it looked more like a mummy.

knightreform dressed as a software engineering department janitor.

lexiromanov dressed as Oprah Winfrey, though it looked more like Pamela Anderson.

londo_mollari dressed as Yu-Gi-Oh.

lost_la_femme dressed as a 1960's hippie child.

man_withnoname dressed as Optimus Prime.

mary_tm didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.

medichanson dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Doris.

mono_borracho dressed as a pixie.

naughty_tess dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Roberta.

ohhh_will dressed as a ghost.

omgwtf_dfw dressed as the love child of Woody Harrelson and Gwyneth Paltrow.

on_holy_ground dressed as something rubber, but what, specifically, you can't tell, and it suited them all too well.

orlandomuse dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.

pleasurebiscuit dressed as the Viscount of Gallaheropolis.

princeofcrime dressed as a cyclone.

ray__k dressed as Pamela Anderson.

regina_philange dressed as a character from "On the Waterfront".

runnin_fool dressed as a new superhero: Dream -streak.

seesthefuture dressed as something prime, but what, specifically, you can't tell.

selene_vampire dressed as a Level 14 thief.

shadowed_kat dressed as a Vertical Synergical ConnectivityIncorporated employee.

shaman_x dressed as the love child of Elvis Presley and Mia Hamm.

soulful_spike dressed as a cat, though it looked more like a DPSS & Co. employee.

stormybrendan dressed as someone who just poked themselves in the eye.

sydneybristowtm dressed as Space Ghost.

the_brave_mouse dressed as the Giant Power Ranger.

the_bride_tm dressed as Karl Rove.

the_countmc dressed as a kicker for the Cardinals.

the_tm_rag dressed as a hooker.

thorfinn_tm dressed as Joe Montana, though it looked more like a rubber frost.

tm_bitsandbytes dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Oprah Toiletbrains".

tm_darla dressed as a Forbes & Hurrell NetworkCorporation employee.

tr2_sheridan dressed as a elk.

voiceofthewoods dressed as a Level 6 barbarian.

warriorofgondor dressed as a angel.

wolf_at_sunset dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Violent Prophet.

wolfen_tyler dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Friendly Hunter.

woman_of_river dressed as a belt.

xena_warrior dressed as Uhura from "Star Trek", though it looked more like something saving, but what, specifically, you can't tell.

Throw your own party at the Hallomeme!
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