hello houston (part2)

Dec 31, 2004 00:23

I'm putting this first part in a cut, cause I'm not sure most want to read it. But I wanted to post it. So whatever.


How can someone who is 23 years old act like he's 4?

I've spent the last month going over things in my head about him. Trying to figure out what he's thinking, what he wants, what he's expecting, because he never says anything.
And then I leave an away message up last night that said I was making plans for Idaho for next week (in 2 days, actually. I was going to be leaving Sunday. But it ended up not working out. Sad. But it's ok)... and he got upset and won't talk to me.


Give me a freaking break. That is SO STUPID. Get over it. Get over yourself. And act your age.

Sorry. I'm ranting. I know he doesn't read this, so it doesn't really matter. And even if he does, oh well. I don't much care.

He doesn't have the guts to confront me about anything. He just complains to other people, and they come talk to me for him. So even if he does read this, he'll never say anything anyway.

Sorry again. I'll move on now.

Lisa is going to come spend NewYears with me. I'm so excited, I don't have to spend it alone. Lisa has dived into the boysarestupid boat I found myself in this evening. Except we both know its not ALL boys. Just the ones we happen to deal with a lot of the time. Anyway, we are going to watch DonnieDarko, cause we've been meaning to watch it together for more than a year now! And she is going to bring fake champagne, since we can't have the real stuff. Well, we could have it, but we don't have a way to get it. Plus, that wouldn't go over real well since I'm babysitting. She and I would probably drink the whole bottle. That could wind up badly. teehee* ANYWAY! We are going to have an ohsolovely time. Especially since we haven't seen each other barely at all this break. So it will be grand. <333 ILOOOVEYOUF&F&F!

On other notes. I talked to Steve for about an hour last night. It was beautiful. Since his date "mysteriously" changed for when he's supposed to be in Korea, he isn't leaving until March. So he was telling me that if I'd like to come up there one more time (which I would LOVE. I want to see him. And I want to see all the other rad friends I made), that would be cool. Then we got to talking about weird things that happened with the both of us last night, and he abruptly changed the topic of conversation with a "so when are you coming up here?" And I was like... well, I don't start class for another week and a half. I could leave after I've finished my babysitting this weekend, and spend all next week there." So we looked into it. I found a good flight for about $400 bucks.
I talked to my mom about it, and she told me I had to talk to my dad. Because I would be borrowing money until classese started, for that. We discussed it a lot, about talking to my dad, and I was like "Well, this really feels like I'm supposed to go now, instead of waiting a few weeks. So I'm going to go for it, and I'll know I'm not supposed to be going if the flight I have picked out isn't there anymore."
Not even a minute later, when I came to write down the flight times to show my dad... they were gone. I was l;ke "Well. That's that!" So I'm not going now. But I will be going towards the end of January.
And he will be coming here with Dustin (yessss!) in the beginning of March, before he leaves for Korea. Massive road trip from Idaho to Florida in his car, because he won't be returning to Idaho after Korea. He will be heading back to Florida, and then it's off to HAWAII!! (yes, I'm still excited about that.) So I will be able to see him at least twice before he goes away for a year.
He is my best friend, in addition to Layna and Lisa... and I want to spend time with my best friend, whom I love dearly. I expect absolutely nothing from spending time with him except to spend time with him as friends, because he is my best one of those. So that is that. I just wanted to clear that up, because that is why I want to get out of here and see him. I had someone who wasn't sure about that earlier today, so I'm clearing it up for everyone right now.

Since I will not be travelling to Idaho next week, perhaps I will be able to go spend some time in ATL. My dad has off of work Wednesday-Sunday of next week. Maybe I will still get out of here. That would be beautiful.

I'm going to see Phantom of the Opera tomorrow afternoon, because it mysteriously appeared at Muvico. It was not there before. IAMSOEXCITEDDDD! YESSSSS!!%$@($^)!@%^&*!?!


P.S. I got some great words of wisdom from an unexpected place tonight. It was really cool. It made me smile. It made my evening somewhat enjoyable, too. So thank you.
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