when it's all stripped to the bone, my life is at home...

Oct 28, 2005 12:34

I made the best I Love You Still Long Term Relationship We Have Our Problems But We Work Them Out & Are Better In The End For It, Don't Forget I Love You While You Are Away CD. !! Yeah, let that sink in ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

cedahlia October 28 2005, 18:11:08 UTC
i was gonna do it but, then i got to jamie by weezer, so i thought again

that would be the opposite of what i should do.
do you think we could stash justin in mikk's trunk when he leave's?


the_bustoid October 28 2005, 18:34:33 UTC

or just go away so we can have a girls weekend. I AM GOING TO GET TORE UP AND YOU BETTER BELIEVE YOU WILL TOO. !! believe it!!


im2lazy4myshirt October 29 2005, 07:52:18 UTC
Fuck yeah. Great mix. How have you been?


i know you've had that icon for a while know, but it is awesomely seasonally appropriate the_bustoid October 29 2005, 19:27:09 UTC
pretty much pretty sweet pretty much all of the time, colin, thank you for asking. & how are you? we need to hang out again sometime. that is a fact.


Re: i know you've had that icon for a while know, but it is awesomely seasonally appropriate im2lazy4myshirt October 31 2005, 01:30:43 UTC
Yeah my icon is awesomely seasonal right now. I've been good. Just work and school.


Well lexicor October 29 2005, 20:36:26 UTC
Can you remember how it all started? Halloween, you and some folks came down for chris' party, and ever since then you just found it hard to go back to san antonio (well i believe there was a rave afterwards).
im going to get wasted in your (our) memory tonite.


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