Conversation Inside Your Head

Dec 05, 2005 20:43

There is a conversation going on right now, inside of your mind. This is the conversation of thinking. Human thought is constructed on the building blocks of words. But to conduct a conversation requires two points-of-view to participate in the progression of thought. In this conversation who is the speaker and who is the listener?

Do not fear that there are two people living inside of you, for there are three and more. If it were only two you would become divided, the left side is invading the right, there is war inside. There is the God, there is the Beast and there is the Demon, but these are archaic terms. There is the Ally, there is the Enemy and there is the Fool, one speaks truth, one speaks lies and one listens to them both indiscriminately. This is the helter skelter picture of the mind. The only way to transcend this cacophony of thinking is to think without language. To transcend to the fourth state of mind that is samahdi requires internal silence of the dialogue that is thinking about you right now ...
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