Title: BOOM!
viennawaitsRating: UK15 or M for language, violence and adult themes.
Word Count: 4095
Summary: A killer explains. To them, it all makes perfect sense. AU.
Spoilers: I'm assuming from THIS point on that you've seen the whole show - even though this is AU, if you don't know the identity of the killer, read no further. Not even the notes.
Notes: Kindly beta'd by
crickets - many thanks, particularly with the Americanisms. Any and all remaining mistakes are my own. Written for The Cannery 2009 Stocking Stuffer Exchange for Titilayo (
viennawaits) whose requests included Henry/Sully, an AU where Henry isn’t the killer and any rating. I do hope you like my take. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!