Alright. Time for "
aamalie's story status update"! Thank you for tuning in this fine morning/afternoon/evening/whenever the heck you're reading this.
The Opposite of Attraction is my main priority and being worked on whenever I remember it exists. Which is quite often, trust me. Unfortunately, I can't seem to write more than a few paragraphs at a time before getting distracted, so it's a little bit slow. And the scene I'm currently on is awkward. Meaning both for the characters and for myself. Boo. However, I am making progress, and pretty decent progress, all things considered.
Drifting is very much on my to-do list, and, hopefully, on
corisudono's as well. =) Chapter 9 should get started on any day now. (Let's just hope it won't get finished a year later, a la chapter 8...)
Sanctuary is... um, being ignored. OA is kind of my number one priority at the moment, because I want it DONE already. Sanc is a pet project anywho, and is only worked on when the particular mood for it hits me.
I also have various oneshots underway. This includes one that is almost ready to post, as soon as I locate the beta report that's been hidden by all of the LJ comments and review alerts in my inbox. I believe its in need of some editing and continuity checks... Ya know, to make sure it's not just all pointless, OOC fluff and whatnot. La. (This has just been posted
Several other oneshots underway as well, and plenty that have been started by never finished. Not all of them are necessarily Mir/San, though a fair few are. Who knows when they will appear, if ever. (Not counting certain request!fics and promised!fics. Those will be written as soon as I pull my muse's head out of the clouds and make her inspire me.
I also am debating what story I will be persuing after OA and Sanc are both complete. It's between two, one in canon-setting and the other AU. Details later, maybe.