1) You've lived in more than one Kingdom. If you could design the perfect Kingdom, using aspects you've seen in the places you'd live, which three features would it include? Do these features all come from a single source, are they shared in common with more than one, or is your ideal Kingdom a mix of aspects from more than one?
You know, one of the things that I like about the two Kingdoms I've lived in is how distinctly different one is from the other. The perfect Kingdom? One that has no traffic so I can get to where I want to go quickly without having to calculate additional time for roadwork or traffic accidents. A Kingdom that doesn't need to rent modern activity halls in order to hold events, because there are plenty of inexpensive medieval sites available - and they're air conditioned and heated(!). Hmmm.... A Kingdom without idiots, political and policy junkies, and butt kissers? LOL! Yeah, right...
2) If someone could wave a magic wand and cure all of your health issues in an instant do you think there would be many noticeable changes in how you live your day to day life?
My response would be a resounding "NO!" I'd live it just the same way. We'd have a bit more expendable cash because we wouldn't need to pay as many copays or prescription costs. Timothy made a funny comment, he said "you'd be able to lay on your left side". :) My dialysis access is in my left forearm and I can't lay on it otherwise the blood flow could slow and cause a clot and instant freaking out. Yeah, the freaking out has happened but thankfully the clot hasn't, yet. It took awhile to train myself not to roll over on that side while sleeping.
3) If you were given a door that would open onto one other place on the planet, and once it existed you (or anyone else) could walk back and forth between the two locations in an instant, as often as you wanted, which two locations would you thus connect, and why? Would you tell anyone else about it/make it available for use by others?
Following the genius of Narnia and Dr. Who I would have the doors in a pair of wardrobes that are portable. I love to travel and see things and having just two locations would be a bit boring after awhile. I'd have one in our home and place the other one wherever I'd like to be that day, week, month, etc. Right now I'm enamoured of the south of France and would love to drift down the canals from village to town to city exploring the area, scenery, food, and culture. I would also like to visit other countries in the Med, South America, Canada, Asia, etc., etc. I would absolutely tell others about it and make it available (by appointment) for limited use.
4) Your love of cheese has led you into obtaining goats. Is goat cheese "better" than cow cheese? If so in what manner? Or are goats simply easier to care for? Is there another mammal which produces even better cheese but is sufficiently difficult to care for/obtain that you chose not to bother?
When it comes to cheese no one milk is better than any other, it just determines how you should treat it in order to create a desirable and consistent product. I selected goats because they can live on a much smaller piece of land, are very cheap to feed - they even eat nuisance weeds and brush, and reproduce reliably and easily (depending on breed). They are also real characters, rather like the goofy labradore retriever breed but with a bit more charm and slightly more intelligence. I honestly don't want any other dairy breed other than goats. I selected them primarily for their character and quality of milk but of major secondary importance was being able to care for them on my own. When Timothy travels he's gone for weeks at a time. If I need to take one to the vet or knock it down in order to give it a shot or shove medication down their throat they need to be small enough for me to do so.
5) How many different types of mammal's cheeses have you sampled? Made yourself?
I've only sampled 4 different types of mammal's cheeses; cow, goat, sheep, and buffalo. I also have a piece of yak cheese that a friend brought back from Mongolia or thereabouts. It's this dried out chunk of cheese that was formed around a length of intestine that had been cleaned and cut into strips. They would stick it in their cheek and suck on it like a piece of candy. I just haven't been able to bring myself to actually try it myself. *shudder* I've only made cow or goat cheese, the other forms of milk are extremely difficult to come by and you need to have a personal relationship with a farmer or own the animal in order to get your hands on the fluid milk.