Title: And So You're Back From Outer Space
Characters: Russia/America
Rating: PG
Summary: 1979 - The Soviet occupation of Afghanistan signals the end of the Détente, and America brings back Russia's things.
TCE is co-written by
wizzard890 and
The sudden sweep of snowy cold when Russia answered the door was enough to make him shiver. )
Comments 95
But this is so cute! I was worried a bit when America brought the box over, but I feel better now.
I was worried a bit when America brought the box over, but I feel better now.
You and Russia both. When he looked through the window and saw America carrying it, he was tempted to just pretend he wasn't home.
This line made me giggle. It makes me wish I had an excuse to use it in real life. XD
I was prepared for another nasty break-up, but much to my surprise, the pair of them seem to actually be... working things out. This chapter certainly touched a place in my heart. Fingers crossed this continues for a while? Knowing them, this might well blow up in their faces. >>
Only two months until Christmas. I'm sure you can get some milage out of it then. XD
Knowing them, this might well blow up in their faces.
Knowing them, it could literally blow up in their faces, too.
Oh, these two. How I love these two. I want to wrap them in warm huggles and keep them with me always :)
Also, I now have an image of Russia dancing in vinyl pants. It's...very interesting...
I think they have one another well covered on the snuggles front. ♥
Also, I now have an image of Russia dancing in vinyl pants. It's...very interesting...
If by "interesting", you mean "TOTALLY FINE", then yes, yes it is.
No seriously, I've been dreading the 70's because I knew this chapter was going to come (though not as soon as it did). And, well, I guess sitting through 64 chapters of TCE has made me fear the worst whenever conflict arises in their relationship. So I really wasn't expecting them to handle this so well. They're actually making progress. Surprise surprise!
"No. Despite all the evidence, I do still have some dignity left."
Oh Russia, we all know that's a lie. XD
All the "OH GOD NO THE 70s ARE COMING DDD=" talk left Wizard and I fairly bemused. The 70s were pretty chill, in terms of Russian-American relations. Not fantastic, or anything, because...when are Russian-American relations ever fantastic, but all the Cold War conflict was happening on other countries' front lawns. "Bitchy" is about as high-pitched as the conflict ever got during the Detente (we nearly wrote about the bitchiness which erupted over the Watergate scandal, but then decided to give it a miss because nothing in their relationship really changed.We wrote the chess chapter, and then it was like "...Basically they spent the rest of the decade like that ( ... )
The idea of Russia listening to America's disco music (and ....maybe dancing a bit to it where no one can see?) just puts a huge smile on my face. I have been adoring the music history moments that sneak into this fic. Some of the best good times involve music. And I have to say, I am so gleeful over the boys attempting maturity and getting a little perspective and....kinda succeeding, by the looks of it.
America is bringing his stuff back out of a desire to be considerate more than a millionth rendition of 'Omg, you did what?!? I h8 U!'. Good going boys, keep business and pleasure separate and you will be golden (well, more or less).
PS-I hope you realize the 'Russia lilstening to America's music" thing is gonna require fanart. No question!
He would die before he ever admitted it, but... >_>
I have been adoring the music history moments that sneak into this fic.
We love putting stuff like this in there! We have one more chapter in the works which actually takes place at a rock concert in Soviet Russia.
America is bringing his stuff back out of a desire to be considerate more than a millionth rendition of 'Omg, you did what?!? I h8 U!'.
Russia was just as "Bwuh?" as you are.
PS-I hope you realize the 'Russia lilstening to America's music" thing is gonna require fanart. No question!
... when they happily proceed to have sex in a public place once again.
I refuse to believe otherwise.
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