Darren has announced the titles for his four books on Mr Crepsley's past. Readers of the Shanville Monthly will already be familiar with them, but I thought I'd share them here for the benefit of people who don't know and, perhaps more importantly, for a bit of discussion.
Book 1: Birth of a Killer (October 2010), which looks at Mr Crepsley's childhood and his life as a teenager.
Book 2: Ocean of Blood (May 2011), which will deal with his vampiric twenties and his attempts to find a purpose in life.
Book 3: Palace of the Damned (October 2011), covering his adult life and his attempts to put his turbulent past behind him.
Book 4: Brothers to the Death (May 2012), dealing with his coming of age and how he finally became the character we know and love.
The books were originally going to be named Larten, Quicksilver, Vur Horston and Mr Crepsley respectively, based on different names Mr Crepsley used to use, but the publishers weren't keen on titles that would mean so little to new readers. Which do you prefer? (Personally, I like the new ones better, if only because they're so like the titles in the Saga.)
Excited? I know I am! I can't wait to learn more about Mr Crepsley's past. And, given what we've heard in past novels, I can only assume that we're going to learn more about the other vampires - more Arra, please! - as well.