Click, click.
Who's there?
We arrive! This is actually a bigger accomplishment than I care to admit. We were about an hour later than we hoped to be. However, everyone seems to be ready to have a great time; a very nice lady in the parking lot took our group photo, then ran off before I could offer to return the favor. Thanks, nice lady!!
You are HERE: Hill Ridge Farms. Ignore the man behind the sign propping up Dax. I was laughing so hard at Dax that I failed to notice G was not paying attention.
I have to say I was impressed with this place. It was HUGE and clean and there was tons to do. Two bounce houses, two mazes, a super slide, critters (including a llama), a train, hay rides to the pumpkin patch, a pond for fish feeding, a teepee, a fort, a hay house to bounce around in...basically tons of things for kids to run amock with autumnal glee.
We met
Ele, Will and Finn, who coordinated the day o'fun. Thanks, guys! Here we are waiting for the train. By this time, Graylin is OVER the paparrazi experience and getting her to look at the camera is a total waste of your time. She actually yells CHEESE with her back to the camera. Smart ass. Wonder where she gets THAT from?
PONY RIDES! Our pony was named "Ginger." However the way the kid told me her name, I get the sneaking suspicion that all the ponies are named "Ginger."
Duck races! You paid a buck for a duckie (which you get to keep), and then you put it in the PVC pipe that's been cut in half and laid out in a U-shaped track. Using the pump, you pump water to push your duck around the track. I have to say, even if it wasn't rocket science, we owned this game. BOO-YEAH!
Dax needs a break. This pumpkin patch is hard work!!
Graylin in the teepee. I don't know what the deal was...she went in there and stood just like this for nearly ten minutes. Then she ran out and dragged me in with her. After standing with her for a few minutes, I asked, "Would you like to run in here?" And that seemed like a good idea, so she gleefully ran laps in the teepee for another few minutes. And then she was ready to go. It must be so cool to be 2.
The hay tunnel!!
Hay ride!
With our pumpkins. Another very nice lady took pity on the mom trying to take a family self-portrait. Thanks other nice lady!
Dax doing what Dax does best.
The end of a successful adventure.
Good stuff, good times.