(no subject)

Dec 12, 2008 15:45

Wow... my dream is coming true!? Liberals... arming themselves! I could cry...


America: Home of the Free & Land of the Armed
By Yasha Levine

It’s 3:45 p.m. in Los Angeles. Outside, the sun is shining, people are walking their dogs. I can hear the laughter of children returning from school … Out here, in the land of sunshine, a few footsteps away from Venice, one feels as safe and peaceful as can be. Obama stickers adorn Priuses. People ride bicycles. They recycle, buy organic and free range. They shop at Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods. Hope and optimism are in the air. I’m feeling peaceful and safe, too. But only because a fully loaded .357 Magnum is sitting on my desk. I spent four years observing this place from a safe distance in Moscow, and it makes me nervous now that I’m back in my adopted home state. There are just too many unknowables here to feel safe without some form of serious protection. So the first thing I did after touching down in Los Angeles was buy a gun.

I went down there on a Sunday at 10:30 a.m., and the store was already teeming with anxious gun consumers. A mass of people were crowding the rifle section. People were lining up at the handgun counter. A young couple with a kid was testing out the weight of a pump-action 12-gauge. Meanwhile, more people streamed through the doors. It felt more like WalMart on Black Friday than a neighborhood gun store on a sleepy Sunday. “They’re buying up everything,” a wiry Asian store clerk with a greaser hairdo and monster-sized pistol strapped to his hip said with a smirk. “People want equal opportunity explosives.” But people were clearly showing a preference for high-powered handguns, the kind that blow up a man’s head. “We’re sold out of the Smith & Wesson 686,” a military-type salesman shook his head in embarrassment. Running out of this classic .357 was like Rite Aid running out of aspirin. It seemed the Obama-inspired gun craze was living up to its name. But this wasn’t Texas or even Bakersfield. This was West LA. Sony Studios were just around the corner, Venice Beach a few miles to the West, Beverly Hills to North and Compton to South: the epicenter of Obama’s California stronghold. Sure enough, a 30-something yuppie proudly sporting an Obama t-shirt queued up at the counter and started picking out a snub-nosed 38 special. It was gonna be his first gun, a self-defense tool that even an anorexic valley girl - or a sissy white male - could fire with ease. I looked around in shock. Obama supporters arming themselves to the teeth? This is not what the media had been reporting.

Judging by the spike in the number of mandatory background checks, gun sales have been up by almost 50% since Obama made his acceptance speech. But gun haters of all stripes and colors have been trying to whitewash the scary idea by a) attributing it to crazed rednecks or b) denying it even exists. “We don’t dispute the gun sales hike, but we think it’s just a bit stupid,” a spokesman for the Brady Campaign against Gun Violence was quoted as saying. “We don’t think these are first-time buyers. We think they are people who already have more than enough guns at their homes to protect themselves and are buying more.” He thinks, but has nothing to prove it. His implication is clear: these people are crazies and need to be disarmed. NOW! Over at Slate, Jack Shafer went one step further. He did a David Copperfield on the statistics and made the whole trend disappear altogether. He pointed out that gun ownership rates have dipped and grown over the past ten years, but have remained largely unchanged for the past ten years (at just over 8 million guns a year). Meanwhile, the US population has grown. So, what he’s really saying is that despite the Obama-inspired spike, gun ownership is decreasing overall. But ten days after I bought my gun, I found out just how wrong they really were.

The realization came, of all places, at a vegan Thai restaurant. I had just come back from the firing range and was loudly discussing my spot-on target practice with a friend of mine. “There’s an indescribable satisfaction in the knowledge that I can blow up a dude’s head at 40 ft. with just a couple shots.” I was blessed with two undeniable gifts: a uncanny sense of smell and a steady hand. Good traits for a hunter, but unusual for a skinny Jew like myself.

“Are you going to keep it loaded all the time?” my friend asked.

“Sure I will. What’s the point of having an unloaded weapon,” I replied. “I didn’t buy it to use as a vase, did I?” I turned my head and I noticed a woman staring me down from across the room. She was in her 50s, an old school urban hippie by the looks of her raggedy flannel shirt and worn PETA t-shirt. Shit, I thought, I’m committing a double crime: talking on a cellphone in a restaurant and boasting about a gun made for one and only purpose: killing living beings. This is the sort of thing PETA would love to hang people for.

I hung up the phone, and the next thing I knew, she was hovering over me with a crazed look in her eye. I cringed, expecting some sort of moralistic guns-are-for-killing diatribe, maybe even get a Thai iced tea thrown in my face. But she wasn’t angry. She was concerned, and worried. “I’m sorry to intrude, but I couldn’t help overhearing you talking about buying a gun. The thing is, I am actually buying one as well.” Her name was Pam. She looked around, embarrassed at what she just said. “Do you know of any good gun stores around here? The one I went to was very expensive.” A PETA member asking me for gun advice? And in a desperate I’m-hurting-for-a-fix kind of way?

“Wow. You really would kill a living thing?” I asked.

“Yes. Absolutely,” she said. A white-boy rasta with waist-long dookie dreads in the corner stole a quick glance at us and quickly returned to his soy roast beef wrap. He wasn’t about to start arguing with two gun psychos. “I know it sounds crazy. I’ve been a vegetarian for over ten years. But with the way the economy is going… I just don’t feel safe. The world has changed.” Pam’s organic pepper spray didn’t cut it any more for self-defense. These days, lethal force is the only sure thing. Obama or not, Pam was not putting her hopes into anything but a piece of cold steel. And she already signed up for a gun class to learn how to shoot to kill. This wasn’t just about exercising her constitutional right, it was about real fear.

You don’t appreciate the warped American mind until you’ve smelled the faint tang of red curry and soy fish on a gun owner’s breath. Pam was a new type, a PETA-NRA hybrid who prefers hunting for human flesh and
steers clear of anything with wings or more than two legs.

And Pam is not the only Obama-supporting Prius-driving lefty with fear in her heart and bloodlust in her eyes. At a gun store, she ran into another vegetarian shopping for a kill tool. He was looking for something small and simple that could take down a person with one shot. “He said he was vegetarian, too,” she said. “And I believe him. You could see that he doesn’t eat meat by the freshness around his eyes.”

If these two are any indication, a sleeper gun-toting community is rising up from the unlikely recesses of the liberal abyss. Somewhere, just beyond the restaurant’s glass door, hundreds - even thousands - of crunchy amateurs had their guns loaded and ready to go. Educated white people gravitating towards firepower, it’s a scary thought for gun control advocates. Even Obama has been getting a little nervous.

“Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear. I said that throughout the campaign. I haven’t indicated anything different during the transition. I think people can take me at my word,” the president-elect said yesterday at a press conference, hoping to nip the gun boom in the bud. And that’s too bad.

As any freedom-loving American knows, guns are what America is all about. They are the foundation of just rule, the last and final of the checks and balances built into our decrepit system, and the only one that puts direct power in the hands of the people. An armed populace makes government nervous. And ever since it was written into the Bill of Rights, those in power tried to stamp it out like a raging syphilis epidemic. Gun control was always a euphemism for crowd control.

You won’t hear it brought up in respectable gun control circles, but the aim of restricting weapons sales has never been safety, reducing gun crime or some other lefty bullshit like that. No, it has always been about preventing armed rebellion against an unpopular government. Land-owning Southern hicks were the first to agitate for gun restrictions against blacks to prevent the white man’s greatest nightmare: pissed-off slaves with guns rampaging through the countryside and murdering every slave-owning redneck in sight. They were open about it, too. After Tuner’s rebellion, Virginia passed a law that didn’t allow free slaves to own even a speck of gun powder. Tennessee changed its constitution to read: “That the free white men of this State have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defense.” The practice went on for the next 200 years.

In modern times, there’s no better example of what armed blacks can do to The Man than the Black Panthers. As soon as these badasses started openly packing heat, open-carry restrictions started popping up all over the country. Nothing could be scarier to white folks than a crew of big, eloquent black dudes decked out in revolutionary garb, spitting revolutionary messages while walking around with shotguns. All of this in broad daylight! What’s worse, hippie white chicks were totally digging on them. The nightmare had become reality, like Freddy Kruger jumping out of the dream world and chasing Nancy around, laughing as he ripped through her panties. As governor of California, Reagan went to work and passed the state’s first restrictions on open-carry. But because of the recent civil rights movement, the laws couldn’t just target blacks, like they did back in the good ol’ days. It was 1967, after all, and they had to be cloaked in generalized language. And so today’s bullshit gun control laws were born.

America is teetering on total collapse. Just about every big American corporation is feeling it: first the banks, then the auto industry and, today, the Tribune company is filing for bankruptcy. The TV networks are going to be asking for a bailout soon. But how about you? No one will bail you out when the repo man comes a knockin’. But if your bank knew that every household on every block is heavily armed and royally pissed off, they’d have second thoughts about sending a guy in a cheap suit to repossess that pretty home of yours. Or at least he’d have the decency to ask nicely and the courtesy to give you an extension.

Fuck the ballot. Vote with your gun.


Yasha Levine is an editor at the eXiled.

Email him at levine@exiledonline.com.

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