more Trek thoughts

Jul 31, 2016 22:36

I saw STB for a third time today, and cried again. I still cry at the Kelvin scenes in the first one, so I'm used to it.

--This time I took note of how the excuse for getting Jim to his surprise party was "I thought we were getting a drink." So basically, this movie begins and ends with a Jim/Bones date. The first one is obviously a well-worn ritual (the third glass <3), and Jim was totally going to make a move on the second one until all his friends showed up. I may or may not be writing a fic that is literally everyone with a speaking role in the movie wondering if they're dating, wondering why they're not dating, and telling them to just make out already.

--They were also wearing matching (or at least complementary) gray t-shirts and leather jackets. Did anyone catch the details on the necklace Bones was wearing? Looked like some kind of small medallion. And I'm definitely taking it as a parallel with Uhura's Vulcan necklace. I still ship it so hard, after all this time (always).

--Pretty sure that IS Chekov getting kicked out of the girl's quarters in the montage - I wasn't sure at first, but Anton's jawline is distinctive, and it immediately cuts to a shot of him on the bridge.

--I HAVE THOUGHTS ABOUT ENSIGN SYL. She saves Sulu from getting energy-drained, losing her own life in the process. What if there was a deeper personal connection? She saves Sulu not just because the crew is family, but because she knows he has a family back home. AND MAYBE she's into plants and they have a mentor-student thing going on in the botany lab (she is in Science blue after all). With perhaps a bit of unrequited crush on her part. or or or maybe she likes girls and it isn't accepted on her world and Sulu helped her to come to terms with herself? This needs writing.

--How the hell does the Resistance's top recon pilot find the time to moonlight as a Federation harbormaster (with a secret identity of Jim's stepfather or uncle Frank)? I think Greg Grunberg is a Time Lord. Well done, you adorable nerdy bear.

--I really enjoy the editing in the drone attack sequence, how the camera moves between decks and through windows and tracks our crew on their individual but intersecting journeys. It turns a set into a whole ship.

--Kirk throwing up the barrier to protect his crew as they beam out is such simple, beautiful symbolism.

--Whose bright idea was it to put Leonard McCoy, that paragon of calm and steady comfort in the face of danger, in charge of the crew when they were trying to jumpstart the Franklin? I mean yeah, maybe a few of them needed medical attention, but you know some poor ensign had to cut his comms when they dived and Bones started swearing himself into a swoon.

--Uhura translating Long-Winded Spock to Action Kirk. The little background look they share afterwards is SO CUTE.

--Think they picked what seems to be a spare Operations jumpsuit from the Franklin stores because Spock was (almost) mortally wounded?

--Spock saying something like "I hear and respect your objections" when Kirk and Uhura protest his manning the drone ship: a nice callback to my favorite character dynamics from STID. Also know as "Star Trek: Why Can't Our Boyfriend Just Admit He Loves Us?"

I still like this ship, it's still exciting. And I miss all my icons.
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