I May Say No, No, No, No, No, But ...

Sep 23, 2014 13:38

So, they are opening up Last Chance Idol over at therealljidol. Since I had a good time competing in this last contest (until I was eliminated), I'm thinking about going for it. However, if I do this I'm really going to need people to vote for me. Lack of votes was my undoing earlier and I don't want to wash out again because of it (especially since the entry I ( Read more... )

competition, curious, lj idol

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Comments 4

basric September 23 2014, 17:48:12 UTC
Go or it.


beldar September 23 2014, 18:02:49 UTC
You know I'm with you on this =)


itsjustc September 24 2014, 18:53:34 UTC
Go for it


talon September 24 2014, 23:02:51 UTC
Write because you want to. Compete because you'll get to write more. The 'lack of votes' is everyones undoing in the end. Everyone will get voted out, eventually. Not everyone will agree on what your best entry was, and that's okay.

True support, to me, is a better reward than support which is begged or borrowed.

Just because it ends doesn't mean it wasn't worth it. Even if it's just for a week, it's a week where you wrote something you may not have otherwise. If that's not worth it in, then I don't know what is.


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