Not a whole lot to say about this one, though I did facepalm pretty hard when I saw the title.
- Items of "Continuity": there are Hispanic (Mexican?) hunters (?) looking for "La Loba"/the she-wolf, who is someone Derek knows; The Girl is back, having survived a throat-slitting by Deucalion, who now paid her to be a deus ex machina free Derek; she was also hired to save Isaac, though presumably not by Deucalion; the twins aren't alphas anymore because of some bullshit Deaton said
- I would like to think the she-wolf is Cora and Derek is protecting her, but let's be honest, if Cora is even mentioned this season, I'll dance naked in the duck pond for the amusement of the old folks across the street.
- LOVE the look Derek gives Peter when the chainsaw comes out, all "Look, I may come off as a stoic, emotionless asshole, but sass is going to get you cut in fucking half."
- Mr. History Teacher mentions internment camps, which seems kind of odd for a high school American history class (I assume he's talking about the WWII Japanese internment camps). I hope this turns out to be significant and not just DID YOU NOTICE WE HAVE A JAPANESE GUY? BECAUSE WE DO. HAVE A JAPANESE GUY. WHO WILL SURELY NOT DIE IN HORRIBLE WAYS.
- I think I mentioned this on Twitter, but the letters falling off the page when Stiles tries to read? That shit happened to me about 20% of the time when I was taking Sonata to help me sleep. Ambien didn't give me any problems, but Sonata fucked my shit up. Luckily, I was so high I would giggle and watch the sentences chasing each other across the page.
- Where are they getting this stuff about telling dreams from reality, i.e. being unable to read and having too many fingers? Because the fingers thing seemed like a really bizarre way to force tension onto a scene that already had plenty. Weird side note: on the few occasions I've had migraines, I've had either visual aura or haven't been able to read. The letters don't make sense -- it's like looking at senseless squiggles -- and it frightened the hell out of me the first time because it happened about half an hour before the headache. I'm willing to bet Stiles has something actually wrong with his brain, probably a tumor.
- Stiles had a good episode here, didn't he? Snarking at Isaac over the scarf (though he really has no reason to snark at Isaac, since Scott and Isaac aren't that close right now), figuring out the doll thing, saving Lydia from a bear trap even though I'm preeeeetty sure that's not how bear traps work. Landmines, possibly; bear traps, no. You're fucked the second you step on it. But it made for a sweet moment of Lydia acknowledging Stiles' intelligence Still hoping they're not pushing the Stiles/Lydia angle, though I have a feeling they are. You just know they're going to go ahead and crank back the little bit of character development that did happen in 3a.
- Dammit, I wish Cora had stuck around. I could've gotten on the Cora/Stiles train (you switch to the Derek/Stiles train at You Fucking Wish Station).
- Is it just me, or did the twins have, like, a ~moment~ when they were beating the shit out of Scott? And not a brotherly moment. It was weird and I felt uncomfortable.
- Who's on the dirt bike in the woods at the end? It's obviously not Mr. "I Ordered Bear Traps By the Gross on Amazon" Tate. Is it The Girl? What is she doing there?
- So the Sheriff closes one case and the FBI is off his back. I mean, yay for him, but what?
- Three figures rising out of the Nemeton: what do we think? Derek's fallen pack members: Boyd, Erica... Laura? Manifestations of the "darkness" or "open door" or whatever inside Scott, Stiles, and Allison? Those who died at the Nemeton: Paige, Jennifer, and... fuck, I don't know, Laura again? Maybe she was nearby. Nah, probably brand new monsters. Because werecoyotes and the upcoming kitsune and Mexican hunters and looming insanity are not enough.
- Look, maybe this is nit-picky, but it's killing me: HAS ANYONE ON THIS SHOW EVER ACTUALLY HEARD A WOLF OR A COYOTE?
Okay, maybe I had more to say than I thought. I'm worried about the plethora of plotlines -- they seem to grow exponentially with each season -- but I'm trying to enjoy the fun* before the inevitable meltdown.
*For minimal values of "fun"