
Aug 08, 2004 05:58

It has been along time I know this. But to update some things I, pierced my ears on friday, they are gauged to a 14. I went to some street dance with Somer and her cousin. I have gotten drunk allot. and Shawnna has gone to Brazil I'm sad. Lol. But yeah I'm off to Canada in 5 days A.K.A. the 13th and I wont be home until the 20th. But yeah I'm off ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

angelskate3 August 8 2004, 16:07:55 UTC
I dont think I know you. I was looking at peoples journals and saw your name and looked at yourLJ and it said you live in vancouver, washington soo I thought I would comment on your LJ. I am from there too as you probably saw. soo ya is your dont mine me asking what school do you go to or did? cuz im done with school.
Dude I hope you have fun in CANADA! My mom went there and she told me it was hella fun but she was drunk most of the time lol.... soo ya you said something about you haveing a tat? what is it? I got a tat too on my left shoulder blade of two hawaii flowers its pretty kick ass. the boy all seem to like it. well ya im off to paint the house later


queensgambit August 8 2004, 18:59:13 UTC
I bet you know Dan... He knows everyone in Vancouver. Seriously.


queensgambit August 8 2004, 19:00:04 UTC
Hey babe, CANADA in FIVE DAYS! Hooray! I am excited.


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