
Feb 15, 2005 23:03

The best AOL conversation you'll ever fucking read.
Between me and Heather.

(I'm Satan)

Imitation66SATAN (10:48:08 PM): k, sounds goooood

MilfordCubicle22 (10:48:13 PM): sleezing wink
MilfordCubicle22 (10:48:16 PM): fuck
MilfordCubicle22 (10:48:20 PM): sleezy

Imitation66SATAN (10:48:21 PM): *sleazy wink*
Imitation66SATAN (10:48:22 PM): durrrrr

MilfordCubicle22 (10:48:25 PM): thank you
MilfordCubicle22 (10:48:28 PM): lol

Imitation66SATAN (10:48:29 PM): no prob bob

MilfordCubicle22 (10:48:32 PM): ok nighty

Imitation66SATAN (10:48:35 PM): night

MilfordCubicle22 (10:48:38 PM): ew
MilfordCubicle22 (10:48:43 PM): never say that again

Imitation66SATAN (10:48:46 PM): ...?

MilfordCubicle22 (10:48:51 PM): npbob

Imitation66SATAN (10:48:55 PM): why?
Imitation66SATAN (10:49:02 PM): It RHYMES

MilfordCubicle22 (10:49:02 PM): because
MilfordCubicle22 (10:49:10 PM): only pussies say that

Imitation66SATAN (10:49:16 PM): Anyhting rhyming is OK in my book
Imitation66SATAN (10:49:19 PM): you gook

MilfordCubicle22 (10:49:20 PM): lol
MilfordCubicle22 (10:49:24 PM): fuck you

Imitation66SATAN (10:49:26 PM): hahaha
Imitation66SATAN (10:49:31 PM): you TOO

“MilfordCubicle22” is away from the computer as of 10:49:31 PM.

Imitation66SATAN (10:49:35 PM): HARH HARH
Imitation66SATAN (10:49:39 PM): bar bar
Imitation66SATAN (10:49:42 PM): car car

MilfordCubicle22 (10:49:46 PM): omg
“MilfordCubicle22” is back at the computer as of 10:49:46 PM.

Imitation66SATAN (10:49:46 PM): star star

MilfordCubicle22 (10:49:48 PM): stop

Imitation66SATAN (10:49:54 PM): My butt itches though

MilfordCubicle22 (10:50:03 PM): my butt is like whoa
MilfordCubicle22 (10:50:13 PM): oh shit...

Imitation66SATAN (10:50:14 PM): And I'm all like oh NO

MilfordCubicle22 (10:50:21 PM): but you gotta go

Imitation66SATAN (10:50:24 PM): ...ho

MilfordCubicle22 (10:50:39 PM): whchu talkin bout yo

Imitation66SATAN (10:50:46 PM): midget, grow

MilfordCubicle22 (10:50:53 PM): don't talk too slow

Imitation66SATAN (10:51:02 PM): My ass needs a blow

MilfordCubicle22 (10:51:05 PM): i love the jew fro
MilfordCubicle22 (10:51:08 PM): hahaha

Imitation66SATAN (10:51:17 PM): My beak's like a crow

MilfordCubicle22 (10:51:25 PM): i hurt my big toe

Imitation66SATAN (10:51:33 PM): I hate survivor, dumb show

MilfordCubicle22 (10:51:53 PM): well ryan, just get low

Imitation66SATAN (10:52:04 PM): Fucking jelly fish, my cooter-glow

MilfordCubicle22 (10:52:47 PM): im awesome, you hsould know

Imitation66SATAN (10:52:58 PM): CUMDIDDALYNAVAHO

MilfordCubicle22 (10:53:06 PM): ...ok
MilfordCubicle22 (10:53:08 PM): you can win

Imitation66SATAN (10:53:12 PM): SCORE.
Imitation66SATAN (10:53:15 PM): ...whore
Imitation66SATAN (10:53:23 PM): years of poetry

MilfordCubicle22 (10:53:24 PM): FUCK OFF
MilfordCubicle22 (10:53:29 PM): let me go to sleep!

Imitation66SATAN (10:53:32 PM): it's contagious
Imitation66SATAN (10:53:39 PM): Ok, you jeep

MilfordCubicle22 (10:54:25 PM): i'll cut you until your face turns red
MilfordCubicle22 (10:54:32 PM): so f off cuz im going to bed

Imitation66SATAN (10:54:41 PM): I'll seduce you into my bed
Imitation66SATAN (10:54:46 PM): dammit

MilfordCubicle22 (10:54:50 PM): hahahaha!
MilfordCubicle22 (10:54:52 PM): i win!

Imitation66SATAN (10:54:51 PM): ...gimme head
Imitation66SATAN (10:54:54 PM): Nope

MilfordCubicle22 (10:54:54 PM): now i get to leave!

Imitation66SATAN (10:54:57 PM): *points*

MilfordCubicle22 (10:55:01 PM): lol

Imitation66SATAN (10:55:19 PM): bell o bell

MilfordCubicle22 (10:55:41 PM): go eat some pussy, im going to bed

Imitation66SATAN (10:55:57 PM): you my heather pretty girl, I wanna give yo ass a twirl ...instead
Imitation66SATAN (10:56:08 PM): In a shed!

MilfordCubicle22 (10:56:16 PM): i hate you

Imitation66SATAN (10:56:31 PM): I love you too

“MilfordCubicle22” is away from the computer as of 10:56:45 PM.

Imitation66SATAN (10:57:09 PM): Milf HERD stew pickle...22
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