Time for the Hottest in the Office Award! Give me your best Ryan Howard icons!
The usual rules:
- Entries must fit LJ standards (no more than 100x100/40KB).
- Entries must be original and remain secret until the contest is finishes and results are revealed.
- Brushes, textures, animation, and other effects are allowed.
- You may submit up to 3 icons.
Submission form example:
http://yoururlhere.com http://yoururlhere.com">
http://yoururlhere.com http://yoururlhere.com">
http://yoururlhere.com Submissions will go on until Sunday, January 4 at 11:00 PM CST. Good luck!
P.S. Due to my suddenly hectic work schedule (which I'm hoping is temporary), I'm now on the search for an Assistant to the Dundies Mod...or Assistant Dundies Mod...or a co-mod, whatever you'd like to call yourself. :)
Previous modding experience a plus (icontest modding is a plus plus), but not absolutely required. If you're interested, just leave me a comment here with a brief summary of your experience. Thanks!