Nothing like a little Logan... and a little more Logan

Oct 06, 2006 15:49

I am a bit disappointed to see that Matt Czuchry is shorter than Jason Dohring, oddly enough. I am not embarrassed to say, no matter how much hate he receives in the fandom, GG's Logan will forever be one of my favourite fictional characters and seeing him go from my former favourite show to my current favourite show (yes, VM and GG are no longer tied, but more on that later - damn you Amy and Dan!) makes me very very happy.

Veronica's expression when looking at Charlie is a sort of "wtf who are you?" indicating that, unlike Trina who she more or less knows but doesn't really appreciate, she has very little idea of who Charlie actually is. Either that or Charlie is holding something over Logan and needs a favour or a place to hide or something.

I'm not even going to try to analyse the second picture but it doesn't look like their relationship is all brotherly-love like. Still, if VM does it's job right there was a reason Charlie wasn't mentioned until now (aside the fact that he was probably only thought of by the writers last June) and I'm very curious to know what that reason is.

In other news, the amount of time my computer takes to do a simple copy and paste (almost two minutes) is inexcusable. I think it might be time to get rid of this clunker.


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