Title: And You Owe Me Nothing In Return
beanarieRating: PG-13
Warnings: Character death from canon
Characters: Arthur, Eames, Mal, Cobb
Summary: His back flush against Eames’s chest, Arthur just breathes for a while. He breathes and he sees her.
Author's Note: This takes place in the same 'verse as my earlier story,
My Bruise, but it's not
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Comments 13
I like everyone's reactions, they feel very IC.
These characters are pretty much my favorites ever, so it's really wonderful to hear that I've done them justice.
I love Eames turning the phone over in his hands. That struck a chord, this time through--something so small and so incidental, but it speaks volumes.
Cool, thanks. :) You know, it's funny. Several of the things you pointed out were details about Eames. Originally it was straight up and down Arthur, but then I started adding in little bits about Eames and I feel like it made a huge difference in the story.
I love Arthur, but i get Eames, if that makes sense. And yeah... it means he's more than just someone for Arthur to bounce against, and instead an agent in the relationship in his own right. I love the Eames that leaks through in this, because it very much feels like there's a lot of depth alluded to here.
Oh, I love that you used the word "agent". I've been obsessing over the idea with my Mal/Eames fic. The last few posts on inception_meta have had me going, "How do I give Mal agency as a character?" RANDOM.
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