pictures! for no apparent reason!

Oct 03, 2005 21:56

King David. Nell's Basement. For anyone who wasn't there, that's a pinata on his head and a life sized Hawaiian girl party decoration on his crotch. He was also sitting on a chair on top of a table and giving life advice in a "kingly" voice. Crazy DBrods. Note the fairy on the left.

Matt and Nell, cause they're my favorite couple :o)

Lins being felt up by a bear. How many of you can say that happened to you?

We came to the house to work one morning to find this (written in nails). Mildly creepy, till we found out Sydney and Linsey did it.

Hapi van! Much like Hapi Djus!

Haha look at Syd, she's like... gasping for air. Sucker. How do you like it now?! Haha.

Buddy and Sydney!

Oh the boys. They make everyone's lives so much more interesting.

Syd and Suzie...

Again, with the gyrate ball from 7-11, which we found very amusing. The same night we wandered around alone, tried to walk through the Taco Bell drive thru and almost got picked up by some hispanic men in a truck. Whoo.

Needs no chill. Linsey and I thought it was a riot. We were cracking up in the restaurant.

Don't I look pleased?

The crawl space of the house we built in Wyoming, where we were often banished due to our comparitively short stature.

Honestly, I don't know. Something from Wyoming. Haha, reminds me of the sticker on the bathroom door that I filched: "Dirty hands spread diseases- WASH THEM!"

The house we worked on, with Kris, our liberal-tastic construction manager.

Bison number 457028400.

Outside the candy shop. Hey, we only went there like everyday while in Jackson.

Rachel <3 lunch breaks and summer.

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