Title: A Beautiful Friendship Author: Laura, aka Lajo1013 Rating: NC-17 Recipe: Tortellini and Cheese Fondue Summary: The rain was pouring down like nothing Ginny had seen before.
It was so hard to find frozen tortellini!! Also, we weren't sure if they were supposed to be pre-filled with something, except that all the tortellini we eventually found were never not filled. So we made due. There's really nothing like a yummy cheese fondue on a cold night, while you're sitting there with nothing to do but watch bad movies and TV. It was great! :D
I enjoy the idea of Ginny randomly bumping into Draco, with a steamy night resulting from it. Sometimes, you've just gotta reach out to someone you least expect, and the rewards will be quite nice indeed. ; ) Thanks for entering the contest!
Comments 1
I enjoy the idea of Ginny randomly bumping into Draco, with a steamy night resulting from it. Sometimes, you've just gotta reach out to someone you least expect, and the rewards will be quite nice indeed. ; ) Thanks for entering the contest!
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