Title: Gaco and Drinny
Author: Jade Okelani
Email: jadeokelani[at]gmail.com
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Draco and Ginny have one hell of a day.
Notes: Many thanks to
sarea_okelani for the invaluable beta, and general hand holding, far past her bedtime. This fic would be nothing without her; and to
ropo for the Best Title Ever. She'll be so tickled I've mentioned her
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Comments 11
Teeny, tiny nitpick before I go on to read the other story on MM - did you mean he has Hungarian soup in his closet, or perhaps spellcheck tripped you up when you were typing galoshes?
awesome awesome fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so going into he memories!
now i must sleep.....to dream of my otp getting it on! WOO!
"You're not wearing that charcoal suit you picked out," Draco elaborated. "It's for the funerals of family members I've never really liked."
"So family, then," Ginny said smartly.
"Hmm," Draco murmured. "Someone's gotten nastier in the last day and a half."
i just don't get how Ginny's line connects to his line, and how it makes sense ... or how it's even a nasty comment?
"Vanessa and I had planned an assignation last night; Vanessa thought we were to meet somewhere other than my flat, where I was waiting for her ( ... )
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