The Dentist Office *shiver*

May 11, 2005 23:01

So today I had to go to both a "woman" doctor appointment and the Dentists to have some cavities filled.

So I can't sleep anymore since I came home, thus I didn't go to bed till about 5am. (Although talking to my mom till o'dark thirty didn't help either) So my appointment with the Captain (male) is at 8:15am on the Base. Unfortunatly Little Rock AFB is actually in Jacksonville about an hour away. That menas I have to be up at 6am to leave by 7am to arrive by 8am. That's just way too much work. Then I finally get there and have to wait with my Dad. I tried to have my Mom take me, but he said he had some paperwork that he needed to do so Mom couldn't take me. I don't think he realised what kind of appointment this was. I get to go in and see the technician; and I end up putting the gown on backwards. *blush* The entire time I was there I kept hearing the Vagina Monologues' Angry Vagina. The girl who's done it for the past 2 years at South is just excellent for the role (Crystal). And the Captain looked about as excited as I was to be there. I don't know if it was just so early in the morning, but he looked really uncomfortable. When he came to talk to me after the exam he was scrunched down in his chair and had his arms crossed over his chest. He was not a happy camper. In a way its kind of funny that I was more comfortable my first exam than the doctor was.

If that wasn't enough torture today I had a return visit to the Dentist *dum dum dummmm*. Yesterday I went for my cleaning and it turned out that my seals on my teeth were wearing down and I was developing tiny cavities. So I had to have them fixed today. The technician offered me gas, but I decided to tough it out. Also I don't like the idea of my unconcious body being prodded without my knowledge. I want to hear when they say "uh oh." I got 3 whole shots of Novicane; one on either side of my jaw and one in the back of the top left. After 10 mins my whole jaw was slack and my left cheak and eyelid were numb. It was kind of surreal, it felt like I was wearing a Samurai face mask that only covered my bottom half. All in all it didn't bother me much. Just the smell of burning tooth when they drill is my issue. Also the stuff they used to seal my teeth up smelled like finger nail polish remover.

When I was home I was so hungry, but there was no way I could eat anything. About an hour later I tried some jello with mandarin oranges (very tasty, by the by). I just kind of let it slide down my throat, there wasn't any way for me to chew. Still no family by 5pm. I'm way hungry cause I haven't eaten all day and I've been up since 6am. Finally my mom and Becky comes home (thebahama_mama and electrikitten respectivly). Looking for support and sympathy? Not in my house. As sson as they saw me they couldn't stop laughing. I had what James refers to as Mush Mouth. He suffered a small stroke in his car accident at 16 and had some of the same effects (not anymore) I was with the novicane. My entire mouth was slumped to the left. Just the right side of my top lip was normal because I could feel it. My speach was severly impaired; I took the dog outside when I got back to let her run around. When it was time to come in I kept trying to call her. I kept saying "Artame" but imagine it like your tounge can't move. She didn't hear "Artemis" so she never came inside. Mom and Becky kept poking at me and laughing. I was laughing too to a point, but man, I hope never to have a stroke cause it sucks. Finally I got a little sympathy and my mom figured out something I could eat. Grilled Cheese and tomato soup. I then slept off the rest of the numbness and now I just have a dull ache. Tomorrow I should be as right as rain.

Hope you guys had a much better day than I.
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